
2007-02-20 3:49 am

回答 (3)

2007-02-20 6:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
Well... Currently there is no requirement of that a pilot MUST study a certain subject... In many cases, getting a degree is more important as they will not specific which degree you get, but having a degree is a MUST... English is very important as well which you will need to be able to speak fluent English and have good understand and communication skill...
Depending on rather you are joining airlines cadet programme or doing all the training and test yourself at a aviation school... But for airlines cadet programme, a degree in any subject is a MUST while studying the PPL+CPL yourself in aviation school will not require a degree at all...
Having good eyes sight is very important for this kind of jobs... And pilots are require to have good eyes sight... But again, this would be different between PPL and CPL and also different between aviation school or airlines cadet... For PPL and aviation school, it is usually OK for you to be short-sighted... But for CPL and airlines cadet programme, they will test your eyes sight and health to government require level... But a little short-sight is not a problem as long as it could be corrected by wearing glasses...
2007-02-20 7:41 am
depends on which airline you're talking about. CX - NO, KA - Yes

NO! as long as you can pass the eyesight test. that'll be fine.

2007-02-19 23:46:06 補充:
香港民航處沒有明文說最深散光&遠視不可超過幾多. 但要通過視力測驗.
2007-02-20 4:03 am
If you want to join Cathay Pacific as a cadet pilot, you have to have perfect vision.

I don't think what kind of degree matters but a very good command of English is a MUST.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 16:40:24
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