
2007-02-20 2:41 am
chiese new year 的日記 50字...用英文..thx

可以講係幾日?? thx ....


可以講係幾日?? thx ....

回答 (3)

2007-02-20 3:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
This is the wonderful Chiese New Year . I got a lot of red packets from my parents.I also ate many turnip cakes and deep-fried dumplings,they were taste.I celebrated the house.Then I said much New Year`s lucky words to my parents and they also said to me too .I won't forget this New Year.
參考: me
2007-02-20 3:07 am
i like chinese new year very much.it is because i can got a lot of red packets.in chinese new year eve,i went to the flower market.there are a lot of things to buy and i was buy a lot of flower to deside my home.i deside my home because my friend were come to my home to celebrate new year!!!
參考: me...>
2007-02-20 3:07 am
On the second day of Chinese New Year, My family and I went to visit Aunt Kay(^^).She greeted me and my sister and gave us some red pockets.Then Mum and Dad talked with her.We ate rice cake and a lot of candies.In the afternoon, We had lunch at Good Restaurant.The food was very delicious.Finally, We went home and said good bye to Aunt Kay.
參考: me

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