Maths Problem(continuous function)

2007-02-19 9:10 pm
vertify the function is continuous and state the domain~
a.y = x^2 + 3開方(4-x)

b. y = abs(x^2 - 4x)

回答 (1)

2007-02-20 1:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
x^2 is continuous
4-x is continuous
x^(1/3) is also continuous, because -(-x)^(1/3) = x^(1/3) and it cna be defined negatively
Combination of continuous function is continuous.
So, the function above is continuous for all real x

x^2 - 4x is continuous by itself.
(x^2 - 4x) is continuous when (x^2 - 4x)>0 and (x^2 - 4x)<0
(x^2 - 4x) is continuous when (x^2 - 4x)=0, because in both sides it is near to 0.
This function is continuous for all real x

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