
2007-02-19 6:52 pm




回答 (10)

2007-02-19 8:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
這位弟兄姊妹, 知道你這一陣子絕不容易渡過,但我知道神是知道, 而且已應允了你的祈禱, 你媽媽她已經信了主,解脫了痛苦,亦己經上了天家和父神一起。
知道人世間的分離是很難過,但你和你爸爸己信了主, 未來日子你們一定可以在天家重聚。
我雖行在患難中, 你必將我救活; [詩138 :7 上 ]
我呼求的日子 , 你就應允我 , 鼓勵我 , 使我心裡有能力 。 [詩 138: 3 ]
首先 , 你可以找你教會的牧師和傳道人為你和你爸爸祈禱 , 求神把安慰臨到你一家身上,往後日子, 可鼓勵你爸多返教會, 亦可去參加一些義工工作 , 而你也要保重身體。
不要放棄, 神會為你和 你爸爸一家開路 , 為你們祈禱。 弟兄 亞波
參考: 聖經
2007-02-21 10:18 pm
你看! 那麼多人支持你!! 加油哦~!!
上天堂 是去一個完全無痛苦的地方~
不要悲傷太久 她去了這個完美的地方等你~!
2007-02-20 3:03 am
I am terribly sorry to hear ur lost.

My cousin passed away suddently on 年29 last year (January 27, 2006) at the age of 14.

That was my first time spending Chinese New Year in Hong Kong since my family moved to Canada for almost 10 years and I was very excited because we didn't really celebrate Chinese New Year in Canada and I was expecting many 紅封包. My uncle (my dad's younger brother), my cousins (the cousin who passed away and his sister) and I were leaving their flat (I was living at their place at the time) to meet up with our grandparents and other family members for 團年飯 at about 6:30 pm. We were taking the elavator and when we almost reached the ground floor, my cousin passed out all of the sudden. My uncle quickly pull him out to the lobby when we reached the ground floor and I called 999. However, on the way to the hospital, my cousin stopped breathing and no more heart beats. He was certified at about 9:30 pm on the same day.

I was totally shocked. I made so many plans on who I am going to visit and how I would spend my lucky money. Dealing with my 14-yr-old cousin's death was totally unexpected. I did not understand why he died. In fact the doctors did not know the actual cause of his death of the day, they thought it's flu virus infected his brain or something like that. But later after performing an autopsy on him, doctors found that the real cause of his death was some complicated genetic disease from his mom's side. It was especially heart-broken for me that he was NOT a Christian.

In the hospital I kept asking God where's my cousin now what is going to happen to him. He's only 14 and he had been a very good boy. I did not understand why God would do such thing to us. I was thinking did I do something wrong? I did not perform CPR on him because he still had strong heart beat at the lobby. I wanted to find out exactly what the doctors did and see if they had missed any steps. My brain was just loaded with questions I just had no clue how to handle anything.

My aunt and uncle were much worse. They lost the elder and only son. And my grandparents... I don't even want to think about it. Thinking about all these just makes me wanna cry.

I am sharing my most painful memory with you just to let you know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE. I can totally understand what you are going through especially with the 'you want to die with your mom' part. It is absolutely

If I can I would love you hug you and cry with you. But after what had happened I can still tell you that God has been wonderful for my family. Because of my cousin's death, other family members from his mom's side realized that they have this hidden genetic disease so this can prevent more tragedies in the future. More, my uncle never thought of God and Christianity before but now he is starting to go to church, and so is my cousin's sister. God eased our pain.

Even at this point I still miss my cousin terribly but I know that God loves me and God loves him too. But honestly, I find it hard to help my aunt and uncle to 適應生活 without their son plus now I am back in Canada. In your case, I think being more socially active and get out more can help your father. From personal experience, staying home alone can only make things worse. And try to talk and share about your feelings. The more you say it out the more you know how to handle the fact. I talked to my friends and it was helpful.

I don't know how to pray for your mom since she has passed away but I can pray for your dad and yourself for sure. I pray that you will be able to see God's fabulous plan for your mom, your dad, and yourself.
2007-02-20 1:52 am

by emily~
2007-02-20 1:03 am
詩篇90:12 「 求你指教我們怎樣數算自己的日子,好叫我們得著智慧的心」前面的日子不多,你要持守主所吩咐,努力為主而活!

怎面對生死 腓立比書「20 照著我所切慕所盼望的、沒有一事叫我羞愧、只要凡事放膽.無論是生、是死、總叫基督在我身上照常顯大。
21 因我活著就是基督、我死了就有益處。
22 但我在肉身活著、若成就我工夫的果子、我就不知道該挑選甚麼。
23 我正在兩難之間、情願離世與基督同在.因為這是好得無比的.
24 然而我在肉身活著、為你們更是要緊的。
25 我既然這樣深信、就知道仍要住在世間、且與你們眾人同住、使你們在所信的道上、又長進又喜樂.





2007-02-19 17:10:14 補充:
2007-02-20 12:42 am
主內的Green Dragon朋友,


大衛被仇敵迫害時也處於非常痛苦,他這樣說:「我 因 唉 哼 而 困 乏 . 我 每 夜 流 淚 、 把 床 榻 漂 起 、 把 褥 子 溼 透 。詩 6:6」
但神安慰他:「 一 宿 雖 然 有 哭 泣 、 早 晨 便 必 歡 呼 。 詩 30:5」。

約伯在失去一切時,無人明白,連前來的三個朋友也不諒解他,但他 沒 有 違 棄 那 聖 者 的 言 語 、 就 仍 以 此 為 安 慰 、 在 不 止 息 的 痛 苦 中 、 還 可 踊 躍 。 (伯 6:10)

希望神親自安慰你:「哀 慟 的 人 有 福 了 . 因 為 他 們 必 得 安 慰 。」太 5:4

記得天父明白你的痛苦,珍惜你的眼淚:「我 幾 次 流 離 、 你 都 記 數 . 求 你 把 我 眼 淚 裝 在 你 的 皮 袋 裡 . 這 不 都 記 在 你 冊 子 上 麼 。」詩 56:8

到一天,我們的神 要 擦 去 我們 一 切 的 眼 淚 . 不 再 有 死 亡 、 也 不 再 有 悲 哀 、 哭 號 、 疼 痛 、 因 為 以 前 的 事 都 過 去 了 。(啟 21:4)

2007-02-19 11:56 pm
2007-02-19 9:12 pm
2007-02-19 8:50 pm
這位弟兄/姊妹 不要太難過
你要相信你mama 現在是和主同在

你的難過主是知道的, 多禱告.

In Christ,
2007-02-19 7:26 pm
詩73:26 指出生命中最大的福份便是與神同在, 你們已經得著了
加油呀, 別氣餒

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