United Airlines 現在的安檢是否仍然很煩複呢? 有什麼東西不能帶上機, 寄倉行李又有沒有限制呢?

2007-02-19 5:40 am
我將會到日本旅行, 並乘坐 United Airlines, 想問下有咩唔可以帶上機呀? 寄倉行李的限制又會係咩呢? 請各位指教。

多謝kylachichi的回答, 不過我想知道除左呢 d 基本野外, 會唔會有額外的限制. 例如之前有講過話美國機唔可以帶液體上機, 我擔心買左 d 手信, 佢唔比我帶返香港呀. 麻煩大家 ^^

回答 (3)

2007-02-22 12:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
我一月搭northwest airline都不可以帶liquid飲品上機,至於handcream等用品就要用透明密車袋載住上機前給檢查人員看過才可以上機。你買什麼手信?飲品類真的不建議hand carry上機。
2007-02-22 5:30 am
我在去年12月乘UA 返HK, 買咗4盒fancl tense up 放入行李寄艙, 一路好安全咁返到HK, 平安到埗.
2007-02-19 5:53 am
for check in baggage if you're flying on economy class you allow to bring 20kgs and 30kgs for business, for hand carry you are allow to bring a bag not larger than 22 x 14 x 9 inches not more than 7kgs , of cause you not allow to bring any sharp object on board and the other things is compress gas such as shaving cream , since ua is a airline that base in usa if you wants to bring a matches or a lighter with you please ask the ground staff before you do so. happy trip

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