請問密糖, 花粉同蜂皇漿~可以入境澳洲嗎?

2007-02-19 5:19 am
我係泰國買0左密糖, 花粉同蜂皇漿~可以入境澳洲嗎?同埋我個0的花粉呢已經開0左啦.....有冇0的資料(e.g web site) 可以睇下...??~thank you thank you~(^^...)!?happy new year!!and 身體健康

HONEY 好似得喎~~

回答 (1)

2007-02-22 12:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
Honey and royal jelly should not be a problem. Pollen in powder form requires an import permit.

I dont know what kind of pollen you have. The best is for you to check the government database. It tells you pretty much everything that you want to bring into Australia. I always check before I bring anything to Australia.

The website is www.aqis.gov.au/icon32/asp/ex_querycontent.asp.

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