About economics profit

2007-02-19 3:11 am
We know that under perfect compeititon market,
the seller economics profit will become zero.

What is the meaing of economics profit and
the seller still stay in the market if they do not have profit in the market?

回答 (2)

2007-02-20 12:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我想你講既economic profit 應該係指economic rent, 佢係指賣家或生產者o係opportunity cost以外既收入(revenue - cost), 亦即呢筆收入既存在與否都唔會影響到seller既決定.

就好似上面既definition所講,rent既存在與否係唔會影響seller既決定,因為opportunity cost既定義係the highest option forgone.就算係no rent,都只係做呢門生意既收入與佢2nd choice一樣.


其實我賣魚蛋既total cost唔係只係原料果30000元,而係我唔賣魚蛋既話,total可以得到返既野---既可以慳返每月$30000原料錢,同時可以去教書,即$30000+$20000=$50000.

亦因為賣魚蛋收入$50000,唔賣魚蛋,都係相對得到返$50000,所以對我黎講,係no rent,但我繼續賣魚蛋仍然係一個理智既抉擇.

2007-02-23 15:18:29 補充:
yes, 其實所有price-taker面對既都係咁既處境,而家做緊既收入同2nd choice係一樣,所以係一個marginal 既situation,佢走同唔走都係最佳既決擇
2007-02-19 4:59 am

多一些價錢就吸引多suppler, 多suppler就價格下跌。

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