八卦 的英文

2007-02-18 5:42 pm
八卦 的英文

回答 (8)

2007-02-18 5:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Nosy :【口】好管閒事的;愛追問的
That old lady is very nosy, so nobody likes to talk to her.
參考: If you have any more English questions, email me:
2007-02-19 8:53 pm
八卦 = nosey or busy body
2007-02-18 6:37 pm
nosy would 。
2007-02-18 6:30 pm
nosy is 八卦
2007-02-18 6:28 pm
nosy would be a very common way to express that meaning. curious is another option, but it's all depending on the usage.
參考: us english
2007-02-18 5:55 pm
Nosy is八卦的英文
2007-02-18 5:49 pm
八卦=Eight Trigrams
參考: 字典
2007-02-18 5:48 pm
nosy is 八卦
參考: my mum

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