Geograhy questions.(地理)

2007-02-18 12:26 pm
Hint: Each answer starts with A

1. Capital of the European city Greece.

2.Continent that borders the Weddell Sea.

3.Mountain range that runs through central Italy.

4.Sea that borders the country India.

5.U.S. state that borders Mexico.

6.Inland sea that borders Kazakhstan.

7.Country in Europe that borders Switzerland and Germany.

回答 (2)

2007-02-18 9:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Athens
2. Antarctica
3. Alps
4. Arabian Sea
5. Arizona
6. Aral sea
7. Austria
參考: If you have any more English questions, email me: [email protected]
2007-02-18 3:26 pm
1 Athens
2 Antarctica
3 Alps
4 Arabian Sea
5 Arizona
6 Aral Sea
7 Austria

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