excel 2007?

2007-02-18 9:23 am
究竟excel 2007 同excel 2003 有乜大分別???, 我指的是功能上

回答 (2)

2007-02-20 9:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案

1. 以往一些非常之討厭的限制,現在變得寬鬆了,如欄及列的數目,Sorting 時可選擇的欄的數目, AutoFilter 功能裏可顯示的不同項目的數目,等等。請參考以下有關新舊版本的限制對照表。

2. 以往一條很長很長的公式在 formula bar 裏會遮蓋了在其之下的一些儲存格,現在不會了,因為 formula bar 可以調整大小。

3. 以往 Excel 只支援 1GB 的 memory ,現在可以用盡 Windows 可用到的數量,而且新版也支援多核心 CPU ,所以當進行大量運算 (如你那條五個正負數相加的問題) 時, Excel 不會像以前那樣,只會用一個 core ,而是用盡所有的 core 。

4. Conditiona Formatting 增加了很多功能,變得像 Outlook 的 Rules 一樣靈活及萬變。你可以儲存不同的 Rules , Click 兩下就可以套用指定的 Rules 在其他儲存格。

5. PivotTable 的運作可以 Undo 了。

6. 下載一個 Add-in 就可以 Save As PDF 了

7. 還有就是比較漂亮的 Chart


ItemOld LimitNew LimitThe total number of available columns in Excel256 (2^8)16k (2^14)The total number of available rows in Excel64k (2^16)1M (2^20)Total amount of PC memory that Excel can use1GBMaximum allowed by WindowsNumber of unique colours allowed a single workbook56 (indexed colour)4.3 billion (32-bit colour)Number of conditional format conditions on a cell3 conditionsLimited by available memoryNumber of levels of sorting on a range or table364Number of items shown in the Auto-Filter dropdown1,00010,000The total number of characters that can display in a cell1k (when the text is formatted)32k or as many as will fit in the cell (regardless of formatting)The number of characters per cell that Excel can print1k32kThe total number of unique cell styles in a workbook (combinations of all cell formatting)400064kThe maximum length of formulas (in characters)1k characters8k charactersThe number of levels of nesting that Excel allows in formulas764Maximum number of arguments to a function30255The number of characters that can be stored and displayed in a cell formatted as Text25532kMaximum number of items found by “Find All”~64k (65472)~2 BillionNumber of rows allowed in a Pivot Table64k1MNumber of columns allowed in a Pivot Table25516kMaximum number of unique items within a single Pivot Field32k1MLength of the MDX name for a Pivot Table item; also the string length for a relational Pivot Table255 characters32kThe length at which fields’ labels are truncated when added to PivotTable; this also includes caption length limitations25532kThe number of fields (as seen in the field list) that a single PivotTable can have25516kThe number of cells that may depend on a single area before Excel must do full calculations instead of partial calculations (because it can no longer track the dependencies required to do partial calculations)8kLimited by available memoryThe number of different areas in a sheet that may have dependencies before Excel must do full calculations instead of partial calculations (because it can no longer track the dependencies required to do partial calculations)64kLimited by available memoryThe number of array formulas in a worksheet that can refer to another (given) worksheet65kLimited by available memoryThe number of categories that custom functions can be bucketed into32255The number of characters that may be updated in a non-resident external workbook reference25532kNumber of rows of a column or columns that can be referred to in an array formula65,335Limitation removed (full-column references allowed)
2007-02-18 8:02 pm








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