14 year old growing wisdom teeth?

2007-02-18 4:04 am
I just turned 14 1/2, i am 5'2 and of normal weight. I believe on my lower jaw I am growing wisdom teeth. I have my 12 year molars grown, but there are little sprouts coming from my gums and I think they are wisdom teeth (anyone able to help me to identify if they are??).

回答 (10)

2007-02-18 4:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
wisdom teeth are the third big molar inside your mouth. It usually come out around 16-20. I have mine pulled out at the age of 18 and the sooner you pull it the better
參考: personal
2007-02-21 2:44 pm
If they are the last things in the very back of your mouth, then they are wisdom teeth
2007-02-21 9:23 am
just click : http://smile.go.cc
參考: just click : http://smile.go.cc
2007-02-18 5:31 am
In 25yrs I have never seen a 14yo with erupting wisdom teeth.
I strongly doubt that this is what you are seeing.
To confirm or deny, arrange for an OPG Xray.
2007-02-18 4:35 am
yes they are im getting 3 of mine taken out next week and im 16
2007-02-18 4:12 am
Sounds like that's what's happening. Next time you go to the dentist, he may suggest that they be extracted. Better to have them out sooner than later. If you wait too long, they can become impacted and painful. It's also more painless to remove them when you're in your teens . . . before they get some descent sized roots on them.
2007-02-18 4:11 am
They're probably Wisdom teeth. I haven't gotten mine yet. I don't even know if I'll get any..
2007-02-18 4:11 am
Mine were still coming in when I was 20. You are fine. Your dentist will want to pull them, but if they don't hurt your other teeth, don't do it.

2007-02-18 4:09 am
Yes, these could actually be your wisdom teeth. I took out my son's lower wisdom teeth when he was 15 and I have seen them in many other patients of that age. Not hundreds, but dozens anyway...
2007-02-18 4:27 am
No. No one can tell you what it is without looking at your mouth. Wisdom teeth come in around age 17 to 21. Ask your dentist or have your parents ask your dentist.

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