Have you ever thought that you needed a personal protection dog?

2007-02-17 4:32 pm
If you feel like you need a personal protection dog why do you want one? What breed would it be? Male or female? What do you do that makes you feel you would need a specially trained personal protection dog?

I just want to know the reasons why you feel you would need one?

I am talking about a fully trained dog. One that is trust worthy and dependable. A dog that has gone through a training course similar to Police Dog Training. Do you carry large sums of money? Do you work in business where you need a dog to guard the place? Do you sell things that require you to have a dog because you are important? I know that there are a lot of dogs that have a natural instinct to protect but these dogs probably wouldn't attack of you gave the comand because they have not had the conditioning for a comand or provacated attack. There is a big difference between a conditioned (trained) dog and one that has a natural instinct (territoral).

回答 (12)

2007-02-17 6:50 pm
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Excellent question, one of the very few here that deserves an answer. In the last 27 years, because of work requirements and personal comfort, I have never owned a dog that was NOT trained in the art of protection. My personal favorite all time breed is the malinois with a second place going to the bouvier and third going to a shepherd. None of these dogs are domistic dogs by the way, I import all of mine from Europe.I feel that after having imported, trained and deployed with hundreds of dogs in the last 27 years, I have a pretty good idea of what they can and cannot offer in terms of protection and security. For a pesonal protection dog, I prefer a female, but a TOP quality female that is almost as hard as a male without all the accompanying stupidity that goes with a male. Females tend to be more tractable and more calm then males and are able to perform better in a home environment. Males tend to do better in the sports arena and the real world of the street. I tend to think that the same dog that goes with me to work every day, will protect me at home just as well, so there is no need to have 2 dogs performing the same function. Dogs that are formally trained in protection are more confident in their environment and are not as easily bothered as "natural" protection dogs. They are for sure more dependable and predictable then a dog that has not been trained. I cannot stand to read or hear the stupidity of some comments that go "my dog will protect me to death" and he is never been trained. It is hard enough to find a dog that will have the ability to be trained for protection, never mond what one will do "naturally" It will run away from a strong threat and you can take that to the bank. The best dogs that I have seen and the nicest ones to be around, are older police dogs that have worked the street for years and have had numerous apprehensions, they look at you with such disdain and have no need to demonstrate anything because experience taught them that they can kick your butt anytime they want, that makes them safe. Having a dog that was trained in engaging a human is a responsibility that shouls not be taken lightly. I, personally, will never own a dog that was not FORMALLY trained in protection.
2007-02-17 4:41 pm
i never wanted a dog to really attack someone, but when m husband was working nights, i had a male peranese that i kept in the house. He protected me , but without violence. He barked and would stand right in front of me when someone new was around. I know how to use the guns, so i didn't need him for that, it was very nice to knwo i was safe though. If he felt i was threatened, i'm sure he would have done something.
2007-02-17 4:39 pm
I don't feel that way because I feel I am the dogs protector. At least in my area. Their are many of us that protect and save dogs. But I don't feel I need a "protection dog" because I always carry a gun anyway. But I do love sleeping with dogs because I know they will wake before I do should someone sinister come about. Even if they didn't I still love cuddling up against their warm fur, focusing on their breathing, feeling amazed that a totally different creature could feel so secure as to sleep in my arms.
參考: Show dogs
2007-02-17 4:58 pm
I don't feel I need a protection dog.
ANY BIG dog tends to scare most people off
I have a pit and she is the most lovable dog
and people are still scared.
I have had a Chow and a Huskie
My Choux was very protective if somebody
even swung at me or my kids just playing she
was right up in the playing to make sure nobody
hurt us.
people back off at the sight of a big dog
2007-02-17 4:40 pm
no, but my puppy acts like a watch dog. he is a mini dach, but if he hears something outside, even if he's asleep, he will growl and bark. if someone ever came in, he would probably just pee on them and dance around. his bark is worse than his bite.
2007-02-17 4:38 pm
I don't...but my girlfriend who lives in the country on a very isolated property has a lab who guards their house. She's alone when hubby is at work (often out of town) with an infant.

They didn't have to do anything to train the dog to do this, it comes quite naturally to him. He alerts her if there are any intruders or wild animals on her property.

The dog is not only her protector, but her companion as well.
2007-02-17 5:53 pm
How about the greatest equalizer in the world, a 9 Mil automatic. Be sure to take a course on how to use. Much better than any dog you can get.
2007-02-17 4:44 pm
A pittbull makes a great guard dog, if you treat them right then they will become extremely loyal and very protective of you. you should spay or nuter them, and they will pay full atention to you and not on mating. Adopt one that needs a home, and they will give their life for you! www.petfinder.com
參考: Animal rescue owner, and pitti lover!
2016-05-24 10:41 am
No, For one thing, you will need an experienced (and good) agitator.to train properly. Training a good protection dog is not a one man job. Many dogs have been ruined by the wrong training. There are a few protection trainers who are regulars. They can give you more details.
2007-02-17 4:48 pm
I have two rottweiler one male and one female. The reason I want one is because its can guard my house and they are fun to play with. But the thing is, Rottweiler can be aggressive and destructive if not train properly.
參考: personal
2007-02-17 4:44 pm
Well, That depends where you live.

If you live in a place prone to robbery and Crime, then you might want to get one.

And by the way for a Dog to be good personal protection dog, it should be well trained.

Good Breed would be German Shepherd. I always like This Breed..... Why? Ask the Police of the choice of the breed of Dogs they have ....
2007-02-17 4:45 pm
Nope, I have a husband that's a Black-Belt. Much better than a protection dog - I can take him everywhere!

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