there are同threr is有咩分別?

2007-02-18 4:35 am
there are同threr is有咩分別?

回答 (4)

2007-02-18 4:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
(there are):
(there is):
(used for showing that something or someone
exists or happens, usu. as the subject of be,
seem, orappear)用於表示某物或某人的存在或
某事的發生,常用作be,seem或 appear 的主詞
參考: 快譯通
2007-02-18 6:45 am
'There is' is used when the object is a singular countable noun or uncountable noun.

'There are' is used when the object is a plural countable noun.

For example:

There is a pen on my desk.
There is water on my desk.
There are a few pens on my desk.

Is it OK for you now?
2007-02-18 5:11 am
"there are" is plural (複數)
eg. There are many apples on the table.

"there is" is singluar (單數)
eg. There is an apple on the table.

2007-02-17 21:12:37 補充:
Sorry, typing error, should be "singular"!
參考: myself
2007-02-18 4:41 am
threr? do u mean there is?

for example:There is a dog under the tree.
There are some dogs under the tree.
參考: myself

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