
2007-02-18 2:35 am
我洗牙之後原本只有少少出血, 但1日之後牙肉有越來越多血流出來, 連睡覺時都流著血, 令枕頭都有血!! 我好驚呀,d牙會唔會脫落? 我應該點算??

回答 (3)

2007-02-20 10:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
搵番那個牙醫問吓佢咩事, 不過, 可能你牙肉已經發炎, 所以洗牙之後牙血流過不停, 其次可能你有其他病, 但你未有察覺, 所以除了搵那個牙醫外, 最好, 多找個醫生檢查一吓, 比較穏陣。
2007-02-18 8:20 am
dont worried..........it is because your gum swollen alot........its inflammation........
so you should brush more well in the future.........

now you can use 1 tea spoon of salt to a glass of water 250ml...........and then rinse......
you can use frequency........then the gum will be better.........

dont worried.........it will be gone after 2-3 days.........

but do you eat waffrin(the drug for high blood pressure and heart disease)?? because it is other problem after scaling.......

wish you will be fine and happy new year........
參考: I am a dental assistant
2007-02-18 2:39 am
試下去這個網: http://kuso-web.net



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