
2007-02-17 8:21 pm
setting(place of time of story)
why do I read this book.

main character(name and description)
other important characters(name and description)
summary of the plot(50-80 words)

the part I like best and reasons(30 words)
the part I like least and reasons(30 words)


回答 (2)

2007-02-20 9:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Title of the book: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Book 1)
Author: J. K. Rowling
Illustrator: Thomas Taylor
No. of pages: 309 pages
Publisher: Arthur A. Levine Books (November 1, 2003)


Setting (time): Present day
Setting (place): Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, United Kingdom
Characters: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger


What happened:
Harry Potter has lived a miserable life since his parents' death. Left to survive with his horrible aunt and uncle, the Dursleys, and their spoiled son Dudley, Harry has been forced to live in a spider-ridden closet under the stairs. But as his eleventh birthday approaches, all this is about to change. A mysterious letter arrives by owl messanger, inviting him to attend Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry is astonished to learn the truth about his parents — that they were wizards of the highest renown — and that he is destined to become one too. At Hogwarts, Harry finds friends and becomes an expert in Quidditch, an aerial sport played on broomsticks. But soon he becomes involved in a life-threatening struggle against the forces of darkness, and finds himself fighting for survival against those who would rather see him dead before he can come into his full powers.

3 Favourite characters:

1. Harry Potter

The stories concern events at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry where his best friends are Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. His most intriguing physical characteristic is a lightning bolt-shaped scar on his forehead, which he gained when the Dark Wizard Lord Voldemort attempted to murder baby Harry with the killing curse.
Harry is famous throughout the wizarding world for being the only known person to have survived Avada Kedavra and in so doing caused Lord Voldemort's downfall.

2. Ron Weasley

Ron is a foil character to Harry. He is one of seven children and is seemingly average in his wizarding abilities, although being overshadowed by his many talented older brothers may have affected his self-confidence. He usually receives little notice, while Harry's fame almost always puts him at the centre of attention. This sometimes creates a rift between the two friends. The Weasleys' modest financial circumstances shines a light on Harry's fortune, while Harry's lack of family is underscored by Ron's large clan.

3. Hermione Granger

She shows considerable academic prowess when compared to her close friends and classmates, but lacks emotional maturity. She consistently responds negatively to Ron baiting her, generally cannot stand either being made a fool of or allowing her friends to be so ridiculed, and has a tendency to flounce off to bed if she is thwarted.

2007-02-17 8:58 pm
I have two books report .

Title: Frankenstein

Author: Marry Shelley

Publishing: Black Cat Publishing


Frankenstein is a Swiss student who creates a monster and gives it life. However he is horrified by his creation so he rejects it. The monster is initially good and benevolent, but due to its hideous appearance, ite is rejected by all mankind. The monster becomes evil and eventually destroys and kills the whole family of his creator.


After reading this story I feel that the monster and his creator are both unfortunate. The monster is rejected by everyone because of its hideous appearance; the creator lost all his friends and family members because the monster takes revenge. So I feel pity for both of them from the beginning of the story.
However, towards the end of the story, I realized that Frankenstein creates the monster in order to show off. This shows that he is just playing with life and death! Although the innocent death of his family members makes readers feel sorry for him, I think it is punishment for not respecting life. Nevertheless, I also disapprove the monster’s killing of so many people to take revenge because it can use other better ways to express his anger. It is too cruel and unforgivable to kill people to show his animosity against mankind.

find the summary of the book in this website:
http://www.pemberley .com/janeinfo/janewr it.html#emma

Emma, published in 1815, has been described as a "mystery story without a murder". The eponymous heroine is the charming (but perhaps too clever for her own good) Emma Woodhouse, who manages to deceive herself in a number of ways (including as to who is really the object of her own affections), even though she (and the reader) are often in possession of evidence pointing toward the truth. Like Catherine Morland in Northanger Abbey, Marianne Dashwood in Sense and Sensibility, and Elizabeth Bennet in Pride and Prejudice, she overcomes self-delusion during the course of her novel. The book describes a year in the life of the village of Highbury and its vicinity, portraying many of the various inhabitants.

Emma was dedicated to the dissolute Prince Regent (George Augustus Frederick), at his request; he was the uncle of Victoria, and was Prince Regent from 1811-1820 and later king George IV (1820-1830). Jane Austen was apparently not especially pleased by this honour (see her letter on the infidelities of the Prince and his wife). This episode was productive of her amusing correspondence with Mr. Clarke.

To write a book report, i think you should divide the thing into several parts:
1. summary (30 words)
2. comments eg. which character you like most, dislike most,... (100 words)
3. messages from the book eg. women status, humanity, marriage, .... (70 words)

It's not that difficult as it only has 200 words. Good luck!

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