
2007-02-17 7:58 pm
7.A two-digit number is equal to four times the sum of its digits. If the prodcut of the digits it 18, find the number.

8.A two-digit number is 16 greater than the prodcut of its digits. After reversing the digits,
the number is increased by 18. Find the possible values of the number.

9. The perimeter of a rhombus is 20cm and the difference between the lengths of its diagonals is 2cm
(a) Find the lengths of the diagonals.
(b) Hence find the area of the rhombus.

回答 (3)

2007-02-17 8:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
7) Let the number is read as "xy" where x and y are numbers from 0 to 9.
So from the given we have:

10x + y = 4(x + y)
xy = 18
So from the above conditions, we have:
10x + (18/x) = 4 [x + (18/x)]
10x2 + 18 = 4x2+ 72
6x2 = 54
x2 = 9
x = 3 or -3 (rejected)
Hence y = 6 and the two-digit number is 36.

8) Let the number is read as "xy" where x and y are numbers from 0 to 9.
So from the given we have:

10x + y = xy + 16
10y + x = 10x + y + 18
So from the above equations, we have:
9y = 9x + 18
y = x + 2
Sub this into (1):
10x + (x + 2) = x(x + 2) + 16
11x + 2 = x2 + 2x + 16
x2 - 9x + 14 = 0
(x - 7)(x - 2) = 0
x = 7 or x = 2
y = 9 or y = 4
Hence the two-digit number is 24 or 79.

9a) From the given, we can see that each side of the rhombus is 5cm in length.
Now, let the lengths of the rhombus are x and y with x being the longer one, i.e. x = y + 2.
Hence, by the Pyth. theorem, we have:
(x/2)2 + (y/2)2 = 52 = 25
[(y/2) + 1]2 + (y/2)2 = 25
(y2/4) + y + 1 + (y2/4) = 25
(y2/2) + y - 24 = 0
y2 + 2y - 48 = 0
(y - 6)(y + 8) = 0
y = 6 or y = -8 (rejected)
Therefore the diagonals of the rhombus are of lengths 6cm and 8cm.
b) The rhombus can be divided into 4 right-angled triangles, each with dimension 3cm by 4 cm.
So the area of the rhombus is given by: 4 x (1/2) x 3 x 4 = 24 cm2
參考: My Maths knowledge
2007-02-17 8:23 pm
Let the two-digit number be 10x+y.
From (1):
Sub (3) into (2):
x=3 or -3 (rejected)
Sub (4) into (3):
Therefore the number is 36.

Let the number be 10x+y.
From (2),
Sub (3) into (1):
Which are not integers.
Therefore there is no solution.

Let the length of the shorter diagonal be x cm, then the longer one is (x+2) cm.
x=2 or x=-4 (rejected)
Therefore the length of the shorter diagonal is 2 cm, the longer one is 2+2=4 cm.
The area of the rhombus
Therefore the area of the rhombus is 4 cm sq.
2007-02-17 8:15 pm
7. xy=18
=> 2x^2=18 =>x=3, y=6

8. 10x+y=16+(x)(y)
10y+x=10x+y+18 => 9y=9x+18 => y=x+2
10x+(x+2)=16+(x)(x+2) => 11x+2=16+x^2+2x => x^2-9x+14=0
solving the equatopn : (x-2)(x-7)=0 => x=2 and y=x+2=4 OR x=7 and y=9

9(a). x+x+y+y=20
x-y=2 => x=2+y
solve: (2+y)+(2+y)+y+y=20 =>4+4y=20 => y=4, x=2+y=6

9(b). area = (x)(y) = 4*6=24
參考: myself

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