
2007-02-17 7:27 pm
我而家係Canada讀緊Grade11班 想問o下如果轉去澳洲D手續點樣整 洗唔洗要由頭再簽過証 睇銀行証明咁果D ka~~ 另外澳洲D音同香港果D英文口音係咪一樣ka...... 係澳洲一般租屋係幾多錢ka?? 可唔可以係Canada讀到出年再接駁過去澳洲ka...... 因為我姐姐幫我比o左一年o既學費ka~~ 但最快讀埋9月-12月果個學期先可以讀晒D錢!! but定係去到澳洲入collage好.... 可唔可以再博大學ka!! 同埋聽講有種族歧視 係咪真ka =.= thx!!

回答 (2)

2007-02-18 11:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
洗唔洗要由頭再簽過証 睇銀行証明咁果D ka~~: Yes, this is for all the government of the world.

另外澳洲D音同香港果D英文口音係咪一樣ka...... : No. Since you are studying in Canada...you should know that each place have different 口音.

係澳洲一般租屋係幾多錢ka??: Depend which city you are staying. But at least 90AUD for week for share house.

可唔可以係Canada讀到出年再接駁過去澳洲ka...... : Yes, you can. Just depend what do you want.

因為我姐姐幫我比o左一年o既學費ka~~ 但最快讀埋9月-12月果個學期先可以讀晒D錢!! but定係去到澳洲入collage好.... 可唔可以再博大學ka!! : Better finish your course in Canada, since you cannot get ther full refund. You can try to apply uni after high school in Canada. If cannot, you can do foundation or dip in Australia first. After the complete, you can do the top-up degree.

同埋聽講有種族歧視 係咪真ka: Are you really in Canada??? This topic must be happened all over the world. Just depend which city you are studying in Australia. However, most of them are very nice.
2007-02-21 11:01 pm
You need to reapply from the very begining, including AUS visa, financial statement etc. The process and application is very easy to apply for a AUS student visa now, coz everything can be apply online, but all you need is to get an offer letter from the colleague / uni you want to study first. This web site can help you.


係澳洲一般租屋係幾多錢ka?? If in city (e.g.) Sydney, it is around AUS 110 per week. If in more country side, it is around AUS 80 per week. It depends. You can get a price quote here, http://yahoo.domain.com.au/Public/AdvancedSearch.aspx?mode=rent.

For your qualification from Canada, AUS's school won't consider any of your pervious education background, they will consider your IELTS marks, most like you need to get 6.0-6.6 for University. If you cannot get that marks, you can consider pre-U or TAFE, which a kind of colleague (similar to HK's Ive).

澳洲D音同香港果D英文口音係咪一樣ka....it is a bit different, e.g. "Today" they read as "to-低", "Data" they read as "dar-ta", .... but it is easy to adapt is you live in Canada before. No worry!

種族歧視....it only happens on ages ago, not is a big different, ppl are nice in general, no need to worry about this so much.

Good luck!
參考: Myself, I was study in AUS.

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