a lot of IE tasks when starting up

2007-02-17 5:58 pm
When I start up my computer, there are a lot of IE browsers (more than 50). When I try to close the windows with "X" on the right-upper corner, it does not work. After using "task manager" to struggle to remove, it return to normal.

When I upgrade the IE to IE7, the same problem persists.

Is this related to a type of virus? Any suggestion to cure this problem?

I have tried to reformat the hard disk using the original Windows XP (home edition), but the same problem still exists. Any hints why this happens? any suggestion?

回答 (2)

2007-02-17 7:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
好明顯係中左spy ware,
你可以download以下program, spybot:


呢個軟件係freeware, 裝完,update左,跟住用佢黎scan部機清左d spyware就ok!

2007-02-17 11:38:09 補充:
spyware not virus,spyware 係你上過d網,佢裝左係你部腦既廣告程式!!!
2007-03-04 6:07 pm

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