Please tell me how this can become a best answer?

2007-02-17 3:14 pm

Please look at answer number 1 and 2. Both were entered before answer number 3, which was picked as the best answer. If this kind of broken gibberish, which is also a sad case of obvious plagiarism, could be selected as the best answer, I really don't think people should spend their time and effort trying to answer questions on this forum.

回答 (2)

2007-02-17 3:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
There is a 檢舉 button next to the answers which is supposed to handle these situations. Just report the case, do something about this.
唔可以咁講, 人地真係答得好過你嘛!

首先, 攞最佳解答唔一定係答得最早果d人
第二, 第3個人答得詳盡d
第三, 講"Hope it helps"唔一定會俾人揀
第四, 可能第3個人個答案幫到佢多d

好多野都唔係一帆風順! 冇俾人揀做最佳解答米再去答第2 d問題lor, 唔好咁介意呢d小事!

P.S. 我都係客觀咁睇呢個情況, 可能我語氣重左d, sorry!
參考: myself

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