Chem PLZ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

2007-02-17 8:24 am
1. Zn 落入 Ammonia solution 即 NH3+ (aq)

個條 full equation 可唔可以咁表達

Zn2+ + NH4+ + OH- ------------> Zn(OH)2 + NH4+

Zn2+ + NH4(OH) ----------------> Zn(OH)2 + NH4+

ionic equation : Zn2+ + 2OH- -------------> Zn(OH)2

full equation 可唔可以咁表達???

如果 Zn2+ + NH3+(aq) ----------------> Zn(NH3)2

咁味變唔到最後Zn2+ + 2OH- -------------> Zn(OH)2


加上我Acid & Alkali 呢課新教 唔多識!!!

Concept 都唔多清, 多多指教~~!

2.A compound X gives off a gas when heated ith dilute sodium hydroxide solution. X gives off different gas with dilute nitric acid. X could be a. ammonium carbonate 我唔明 ~請寫 所react ge full equation 同 ionic equation .plz


第2題個到 你係唔係話ammonium sulphite 都ok ar?? 其實呢題仲有 ammounium sulphate magnesium carbonate sodium sulphate 呢幾個choices ammonium sulphite ok 但y ammounium sulphate 唔得 ge?? thz~~`


唔好意思~ 我都唔係好明ammonium sulphite 可以有reaction SO3 ^2- + 2H- ------------- SO2 + H2O 呢條equation 係唔係好似NH4+ +OH- ----------- NH3+ +H2O 咁?? (NH4)2SO3 + HNO3 ------------ NH3+ + H2SO3 +H2O 呢條 full equation Of ammonium sulphite and HNO3 岩唔岩??


我都唔係好明 SO3^2- 點會可以變成SO2 SO3 ^2- + 2H- ------------- SO2 + H2O 我都唔多明呢條equation ,幾時會教ga?? 請你用full equation 同 ionic equation 解釋丫~ 唔該哂!!!!!!

回答 (1)

2007-02-17 8:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
Zn2+ 加入ammonia solution
首先會和ammonia solution入面o既 OH- react, 形成白色ppt[Zn(OH)2]
Zn2+(aq) + 2OH-(aq) -> Zn(OH)2(s)

如果ammonia solution係in excess
Zn(OH)2 會再react with NH3, 形成colourless solution, 含有complex ion [Zn(NH3)4]2+ (tetraamminezinc(II) ion)
Zn(OH)2(s) + 4NH3(aq) -> [Zn(NH3)4]2+(aq) + 2OH-(aq)

complex ion 的資料會在al先會教
睇下明唔明先, 如果唔明就再問啦~~ ^^

2007-02-17 00:37:30 補充:
Zn(OH)2(s) 在excess ammonia solution係redissolves

2007-02-17 02:18:12 補充:
Q2:heated with dilute sodium hydroxide solution to give out gas. The gas must be ammonia.full equ: (NH4)2CO3 2NaOH - 2NH3 Na2CO3 2H2Oionic: NH4^ (aq) OH-(aq) - NH3(g) H2O(l)

2007-02-17 02:18:27 補充:
added to dilute acid to give out another gas. The gas may be CO2 or SO2. If the compound is carbonate, then the gas is CO2. If the compound is sulphite, then the gas is SO2.full equ: (NH4)2CO3 2HNO3 - CO2 2NH4NO3 2H2Oionic: CO3^2-(aq) 2H (aq) - CO2(g) H2O(l)

2007-02-17 02:18:38 補充:
note:for the suphite, the following reaction occurs---SO3^2-(aq) 2H (aq) - SO2(g) H2O(l)

2007-02-18 01:49:46 補充:
ammonium sulphite 係ok的可惜題目只有ammonium carbonateammounium sulphatemagnesium carbonatesodium sulphate4個choices.ammounium sulphate:heated with dilute sodium hydroxide solution to give out ammonia.But NO REACTION with HNO3

2007-02-18 01:49:59 補充:
magnesium carbonate:added to dilute acid to give out CO2But NO REACTION with heated NaOHsodium sulphate:NO REACTION with heated NaOH & HNO3Only ammonium carbonate has reaction with both heated NaOH & HNO3

2007-02-18 01:51:30 補充:
ammonium sulphite has reaction with HNO3SO3^2-(aq) 2H (aq) - SO2(g) H2O(l)But no such reaction between sulphate ion & acid~ ^^

2007-02-18 13:24:59 補充:
通常d老師唔會點教呢條reaction或者可能o係最後果課detection & analysis果度教, 教你點test sulphiteFULL EQUATIONS:(NH4)2SO3 2HNO3 ---- 2NH4NO3 SO2 H2O(NH4)2SO3 2NaOH ---- Na2SO3 2NH3 2H2OIONIC:SO3^2- 2H ---- SO2 H2ONH4 OH- ---- NH3 H2O

2007-02-18 13:26:55 補充:
SO2果條rxn 其實同CO2果條差唔多carbonate acid 出 CO2sulphite acid 出 SO2(NH4)2CO3 2HNO3 ---- 2NH4NO3 CO2 H2O(NH4)2SO3 2HNO3 ---- 2NH4NO3 SO2 H2O
參考: own

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