個條 full equation 可唔可以咁表達
Zn2+ + NH4+ + OH- ------------> Zn(OH)2 + NH4+
Zn2+ + NH4(OH) ----------------> Zn(OH)2 + NH4+
ionic equation : Zn2+ + 2OH- -------------> Zn(OH)2
full equation 可唔可以咁表達???
如果 Zn2+ + NH3+(aq) ----------------> Zn(NH3)2
咁味變唔到最後Zn2+ + 2OH- -------------> Zn(OH)2
加上我Acid & Alkali 呢課新教 唔多識!!!
Concept 都唔多清, 多多指教~~!
2.A compound X gives off a gas when heated ith dilute sodium hydroxide solution. X gives off different gas with dilute nitric acid. X could be a. ammonium carbonate 我唔明 ~請寫 所react ge full equation 同 ionic equation .plz
第2題個到 你係唔係話ammonium sulphite 都ok ar?? 其實呢題仲有 ammounium sulphate magnesium carbonate sodium sulphate 呢幾個choices ammonium sulphite ok 但y ammounium sulphate 唔得 ge?? thz~~`
唔好意思~ 我都唔係好明ammonium sulphite 可以有reaction SO3 ^2- + 2H- ------------- SO2 + H2O 呢條equation 係唔係好似NH4+ +OH- ----------- NH3+ +H2O 咁?? (NH4)2SO3 + HNO3 ------------ NH3+ + H2SO3 +H2O 呢條 full equation Of ammonium sulphite and HNO3 岩唔岩??
我都唔係好明 SO3^2- 點會可以變成SO2 SO3 ^2- + 2H- ------------- SO2 + H2O 我都唔多明呢條equation ,幾時會教ga?? 請你用full equation 同 ionic equation 解釋丫~ 唔該哂!!!!!!