what are some dogs that can relate to cats in a friendly way?

2007-02-17 1:20 am
I have a cat, they gaver her to me 10 years ago and she is really fat lol. I wanna buy a dog, but i dont know which type of dog can be friends with her and not kill her or make her mad...help!

回答 (15)

2007-02-17 1:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
It REALLY REALLY depends on the dog. Everything from Pit Bulls to Rotties to Akitas can be fine with cats, while some Chihuahuas, Italian Greyhounds, and Labs shouldn't be anywhere near one.

Honestly, the best thing to do would be to get a rescue dog of some sort. The rescue group can 'cat test' the dog and see if the dog is ok with cats.

Even a dog that's been raised with cats can turn in an instant. Their prey drive can suddenly appear when the cat runs in a certain way or if it acts aggressive, or even just in playing. So no, getting a puppy is not a cure-all.

You really want a dog who has had a chance to develop a personality to be the safest.

2007-02-17 9:41 am
Go to the animal shelter and pick one. Get a puppy. Do not get a Jack Russell. My Jack Russell, which I got as a pup, tolerates my cats, but I don't think he likes them, and he makes them nervous. They have been together for 11 years. I think he has played with my cats once or twice and he has snapped at them. Maybe a beagle or a beagle mix. Save a puppy or dog at the shelter.
參考: Experience.
2007-02-17 9:40 am
i've 2 dogs and 2cats. now i had my dogs before my cats. it's the other way for you. your cat will hide when you bring a puppy home. but i have a rottweiler and a min. schnauzer. every thing will work out. i haven't had anything happen. it just takes time for them to adjust. i think most dogs will learn to get along with your cat. just watch so they don't hurt each other, esp. when the puppy will jump around and try to play too hard with the cat. if your cat has claws, watch this not to scratch the puppy's face or eyes. i trim my cats claws,so that they aren't so sharp. take your cat to your vet if you are not sure how to clip the claws. if cut too short cat's claws may bleed. wish you luck! betty boop
2007-02-17 9:35 am
Just like people, all dogs personalities are different. I have a Golden Retriever that would love to play with my 2 cats, but they are too afraid of him since he's, like, 15x their size. If you adopt a dog thru a Rescue or Animal Shelter (LIKE YOU SHOULD AND NOT A PET STORE) then they will probably know what the dog's temprement is and if he gets along with cats or not.
2007-02-17 9:27 am
I would think you could introduce any breed to her, so long as you buy a puppy. Puppies get use to any environment they are given. If a rescue dog is what you prefer, then make sure it has been tested around cats, sometimes dogs come into shelters that have grown up with a cat, and for whatever the reason are now in the shelter.
My best advice is that you get a dog you will be happy with forever, not just in it's puppy stage.
2007-02-17 3:24 pm
She's probably not going to be happy at first with whatever kind of dog you bring home - you'll probably have a bit of hissing, spitting & growling from her - she may even try taking a swipe at the dog, so you may need to supervise their initial meetings. I'm sure that she'll get used to your new family member though & hopefully they'll eventually get on really well.

If you're rescuing a dog, then I'd recommend looking for one that is used to cats. Otherwise, with puppies, then you may be okay with almost any breed as they'll be small enough to accept that the cat is boss. Though I'm not sure I'd recommend huskies ... I was interested in getting one of these a while back but read that they weren't necessarily safe with cats.

I've an Irish Setter, got her as a pup & she gets on brilliantly with the cats. My Aunty used to have a Boxer that loved to play with her cat. It seems to be more common than people think - a friendship between dog & cat.
2007-02-17 2:54 pm
All breeds are the same if they are raised around cats and are taught at a young age to respect them. I owen 3 cats and 4 GremanShepherds they all get along great. It is in how the dog is raised not there breed that makes them compatable with other companion animals.
2007-02-17 9:50 am
well usually if cats and dogs lived together for i long time they would be friends, but if their arrival is separate then it may not work out.Don't choose a hyper dog cos it will tire the old cat out and not to big.I'd never had a cat dog combo before, I wish i could help u.But a labs are not the best choice( mine is very hyper)!
2007-02-17 9:24 am
I have a Golden Retriever that gets along with my cats. the cats came first. In fact, one of the two cats was fat. When the golden came along, the fat cat would play with the puppy. It was not long before the fat cat lost weight and started running around with her new friend.
2007-02-17 10:11 am
Bichon Frise are great little dogs to have with cats. I dont have a cat.I do have a Bichon mo-jo he went to his grandmothers to stay over for hoillday. She has 2 cats. Thay all had a wonderfull time together. He kinda acts like a cat now.

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