Does the Criminal have more rights that the victim in the UK?

2007-02-16 9:42 pm
A mate of my dads had his shop broken into,to cut a long story short on trying to escape from the shop he ran at, and went through a glass door,This guy damaged his leg and eventually lost it.anyway he is now sueing my dads mate for losing his leg on the grounds of health and safety and there were no signs warning of a glass door.
So is the Uk criminal sysytem a joke.

回答 (22)

2007-02-16 9:52 pm
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First of all if he's suing it's a civil matter, not a criminal matter.

He's probably got legal aid, so some unscrupulous lawyer, knowing he has nothing to lose is advising him to bring the case (and trousering a large wadge of cash in the process.) Before you rubbish the justice system, wait until the outcome - I bet the thief doesn't win his case.

I don't know what Sockoman's problem is - if the accident was the dead guy's fault and his parents have inherited his assets, then who does he think should pay for the damage to the car?
2007-02-16 10:33 pm
There are three top paying jobs over here.

1.A government minister.

2. A lawyer and

3. A crook.

Nothing to choose between them, if the con gets caught which is unlikely, because the police are only trained to get the motorist. They aren't sent to prison 'cause they are all full of holidaymakers, their cells with TV and games etc. Which our hard earned tax pays for.

Then comes lawyers: I had one working for me once, didn't do much and the other side settled out of court. cost me two grand.

But even worse than those crooks are the government, bloody hell what a bunch of rats run our country, their latest gimmick is Smoking Police. We were told yesterday it was going to cost £30.000.000. and today I read in the mail that almost 30k had already been spent on training 1200. that will likely to rise to 10.000. What when we don't have enough real police, and last week it said at any one time 8000 of them are on full pay sick leave and maybe only work one hour a day.

Maybe I should add the cops as No 4.

A motto for the UK. "It's never been a better time to be a crook"
2007-02-16 9:50 pm
Yes it is...
It is not fair that a criminal WILL get compensation for his illegal activities..your dads friends insurance premiums will rise.
Criminal scum now know that even if they fail to get much from there robbery they can claim more in compensation if they injure themselves during the robbery.
There have been many cases in the UK where the victim has been dragged through the courts for standing up to the yob scum...this is why yob scum feel they are above the law...this is why the government of the UK are rapidly flushing it down into the sewers.
The law is an ar$e.....
2007-02-18 12:02 am
Victims no longer have any rights and certainly not the right to defend themselves or the property. The country has gone mad.
I sometimes feel that I have gone down a rabbit hole and woken up up in Wonderland.
2007-02-17 6:46 pm
Not only in the UK , but also in the rest of western Europe.
If you kill a burglar in your own home in self defense you can go to jail ( even if you can probe it in a trial) happened in Spain last month , and if the criminal death is an inmigrant still worst!!
2007-02-17 6:18 pm
It seems to me that H&S rules do not apply to people who are on the property illegally and without the owner's knowledge and permission.

You said the burglar is suing your dad's mate. You did not say he successfully sued him. He can try it on, but he's probably doing it to try to get some kind of settlement out of your dad's friend.

Suggest your dad's friend go to the County Court and file a counterclaim for "vexatious litigation". The filing fee is very small; damages are limited to £5,000; no costs awarded. Tell him to apply for legal aid; and even if he is ineligible, trust me, there are a lot of lawyers who would take your dad's friend's case for no fee. I would. Is he in London?
2007-02-16 10:26 pm
Its definitely your dads mates fault!!!
If he didnt have goods in the shop the thief wouldnt of wanted to break in in the first place, your dads mate actually FORCED him to get injured by tempting him in with all those goodies!!!
Thats the joke!

This is the whole reason crime is so bad here, the law needs changing, it needs common sense to be the foundation of the system.
2007-02-16 10:03 pm
Of course they do. We are only the law abiding citizens who do the right thing. The scumbags get all the attention while we just soldier on.

Repeal the Human Rights Act NOW!
2007-02-16 9:56 pm
i agree with you 100%percent.. i feel that the criminal's DO have more wrights,than the victim's and no law can change my mind in that. i don't see how there is any justice out of what happened to your friend's father and i would not care if it drove me bankrupt,i would fight until the end... i had something seemlier to happen too me and i could not believe how much wright's a criminal actually has. even tho they commit a crime,it seems that they are rewarded for it and people wants to know why the crime rate is still so high.please tell your friend's father that my heart goes out to him and he is in my prayers,but just be thankful that he didn't lose more than what he did"'his-life".
參考: good luck and be safe
2007-02-17 10:57 am
you must be talking about the Scottish legal system, where men caan do no wrong and females are treated like chattles. Sadly the leading politician constantly lauds the fact that prisoners may sue if clean underpants are not on hand or the cell is too small, but when some poor female asks for her daughter,s murderer be tried again, it,s an antedeluvian law which is thrown at her, like, who cares, the prisoners votes will be available soon, maybe even before may, life under scots law is difficult for females, humanrights people do not want to know, so Uk law would be welcome here with open arms, by the way, do prisoners in England vote?.

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