Analyze when subsitution would be more efficient than the addition method in solving two linear equations?

2007-02-16 5:26 pm
1) Analyze when subsitution would be more efficient than the addition method in solving two linear equations?

2) two linear equations each with the same two variables form a system of equations. How do we define a solution to this system?

3) Explain in a general way the producedure used to solve a system of three linear equations in three variable?

回答 (2)

2007-02-16 5:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Substitution is more efficient when you have different powers of x in your equations
2007-02-17 2:17 am
1) If one of the variables is already solved for, then substitution would be easier.
Consider the system.
2x + 3y = 7
x = 5y + 1
Substitution would be better because x is already isolated in the second equation.
2) Your solution will be an ordered pair (x,y). There is also the possibility of no solution if the lines are parallel or infinitely many solutions if the two lines turn out to be the same line.
3) Try to eliminate one of the variables using substitution or elimination.

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