Who wants to live in Germany, and why?

2007-02-16 9:08 am
I just want to know if i'm the only crazy person out there, that wants to live in Germany... and if you do want this... what are YOUR reasons?

回答 (6)

2007-02-17 10:34 am
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I am America living in Germany for 20 years and not with the US Military so I really do live in Germany. Why? I have a good paying job with very good health insurance(ja, private), and 30 days vacation. Yes, I pay a lot of taxes, but when I campare what my brother in Connecticut pays for taxes I do not complain.
I am very healthy thanks to my adapting to life in Europe. That means I walk and exercize. I went to my 25 year high school reunion and I was one of the few persons there who still had the same waist size as the day I graduated.
I no longer stress out over how big my house or car is because I have learned there are far more important things in life. I would not have found this happiness if I had stayed in America. So, no you are not crazy if you want to live in Germany. Sometimes the best way to find yourself and be happy is to leave home and find something new. Good luck in whatever you decide to do.
2007-02-17 1:36 am
It's safe, I could go out by myself at night. Children can go to school by themselves. Everything is close in Europe. I can speed in the autobahn, when I got tickets I didn't have to appear in court. I got 9 weeks vacation a year.

But I'm glad I left because as single childless person I think the government ripped me off.
參考: Finanzamt is my sworn enemy.
2014-12-06 8:59 am
they won the world cup
2007-02-17 11:23 pm
Why would you be crazy for wanting to live in Germany? I've been wanting to live there for over a decade - but I still need to improve my German. Frankfurt is like a 2nd home to me, and Bremen and Aurich were beautiful. Munich was a blast! Went there 2 times last year. Why do I want to live there? Because I have my closest friends who live there - I seem to always make new friends everytime I go there - so my friendship network is always growing. I LOVE having conversations with the people there. I love the cities, the culture, it's old and it's ultra modern at the same time. They way of life is different in terms of: They work to live, not the other way around. They get a minimum of 6 week paid time off a year (more time off for every year you work). The corporations treat their employees like human beings - not like "office equiptment". I'm paying 36% of my salary and what do I get in return? A war in Iraq that I thought was a stupid idea. I don't have kids in School - and my taxes aren't paying for my health insurance. In Germany I'd be paying 42% (that's only 6% more) and I'd get full health coverage and better unemployment rates - if I ever need them. The have better maternity benefits: One of my friends was allowed 4 YEARS off and they HAD to hold her job open for her that entire time AND pay her 80% of her salary while she was on leave. American corporations would NEVER do anything like that. Because in America - it's all about PROFIT IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN PEOPLE. I could go on and on, but I need to go study my German language lessons now, and continue working on my visa. Good luck with your dream of living in Germany - I really hope it happens for you - I know you'll love it.

My friend who works at Frankfurt airport told me a sure fire method to instant citizenship - but I don't think you want to go that route: When the plane lands in Germany - rip up your passport and keep one foot on the plane and the other foot on the jetway just outside the door - hold up your hands and yell "Assulm" (Asylum) That means you a claiming asylum - but that also means you permanently give up your American citizenship - forever and you'll never get it back, and can't return to the USA - not even for a funeral. But on the brightside, after you get out of quarantine in 9 months, you'll be a German citizen.
參考: I've visited there at least 100 times (probably more than that) since I was a baby. I've "lived" for a short period of time with friends who are like family to me for 6 months. I would love to make it a permanent move.
2007-02-17 2:31 am
because my relatives all live there, I love the culture, the climate, the cute guys, the landscape...alot of things about it. Mainly because of my relatives and the culture.
2007-02-16 5:24 pm
don´t do it, i live here and i can´t wait to get out!

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