
2007-02-17 7:40 am

回答 (5)

2007-02-17 7:44 pm
2007-02-17 9:50 am
印度大家都燒牛屎, becasue 牛 eat grass, their 屎 is fiber, after dry under the sun, dry fiber can be burn la.

but human 屎 is nto so much fiber, except D 素食者. then, our shit even after dry, still can't burn. actually, difficult to burn.

2007-02-19 16:55:32 補充:
"在一些遍遠地方,曬乾的便便是日常的主要燃料 " <- agree, but not any kind 便便,can burn. only 草食動物個d先得
2007-02-17 8:42 am
2007-02-17 8:11 am
From my Chemistry knowledge, faeces excreted by human or other complex organisms may comtain a kind of hydrocarbon called methane, CH4, it can be heated in air to give out carbon dioxide and water. it can be a fuel to release energy. But is it flamable?it is determined by the amount of methane in the faeces. But usually, it is easy to burn because some people use them as a fuel to get warm or boil water in the nortern China.
2007-02-17 8:07 am

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