格仔裙點襯 .. PLEASE*-33-"

2007-02-17 6:40 am
我有條蘇格蘭既格仔裙短裙 ,, 係以紅色為主既 ,,
我想問 ,, 我可以點襯 ,, 我想襯到可愛1點 ,,
我身高162 CM ,, 不算肥 .. 102磅 .. 頭髮剛剛到旁 ..


回答 (3)

2007-02-17 7:05 am
上身有black嘅T-shirt,有d你認為可愛嘅公仔,加上一pair白色嘅long boot(膝蓋),加埋一d可愛公仔嘅手鏈,好可愛呀!
2007-02-17 6:58 am
1. Plain and white colour pull over sweater, a black coat/red colour scraf, black long boots, and a small and simple handbag.
2. Inside with white colour vest top, outside with white colour cardigan, black pantyhose and shiny, plain and black high heels.
3. Beige and plain colour pull over sweater, a white long coat in which the length is similar as your skirt, and a pair of brown high heel boots.
4. Black colour shirt or pull over, and a dark green long coat, with black pantyhose and long boots.
參考: me
2007-02-17 6:53 am

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