
2007-02-17 5:41 am
最近 Chieti (Abruzzo) 既機場係邊個呢??

0係香港去 Chieti 係點去呢? 係咪要先去羅馬再轉機 or 轉火車?? 駛唔駛經過 Pescara 呢....???

回答 (2)

2007-02-17 12:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The closest airport to Chieti is Abruzzo International Airport... However, as many airlines that fly there are Low Cost Airlines, so there is very limited connection to international airports which are served by airlines on routes to Hong Kong...
However, there is a 2Weekly (Fri/Sun) connection from Abruzzo to Paris CDG or 2Weekly (Tue/Fri) connection from Abruzzo to Munich both by OnAir (http://www.flyonair.it/)... But looking at that, it seems like it better for you to fly with Cathay Pacific on their Daily flight from Hong Kong to Rome then to coach a train or other transport to Chieti...
You can have a look at Abruzzo International Airport website: http://www.abruzzo-airport.it/eng/index.php
2007-02-17 6:20 am
Chieti 位於羅馬東北 200 km, 最近的國際機場是位於 Pescara. http://www.abruzzo-airport.it/eng/index.php
從巴黎, 法蘭克福, 米蘭等地均有廉價航空飛到 Pescara 的

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