English Wh-Question 問題

2007-02-17 3:09 am
What happen?<--岩唔岩?? why??
What has happened?<--點解岩??都唔符合wh 的format...不用加 verb to do(do/does)??
what is happening??岩唔岩??

我唔記得左邊D 英文字同另一個字係冇short form.....please tell me>___

回答 (2)

2007-02-17 7:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
what happen 應寫為 what happens

happen 是不及物動詞 , 後面不接受詞 ,
what 是主詞 , 且屬於 " 第三身 " 事物 , 故現在式動詞要加上 s / es ,

Let' s see what happens next week .
I' ll be there whatever happens .

問及某人此刻是否遇到問題 , 不會說 What happens ? 通常說 :
What' s the matter ? 出了甚麽事 ?
What' s wrong ? 怎麽了 ?
Is anything the matter ? 有甚麽事嗎 ?

問及甚麽事發生了 :
What happened ?


What has happened , 例句 :
What has happened to my clothes ? ( = Do you know where they are ? )
You' ll never guess what has happened !

疑問句中 ,
當 what , who , which , whose 是主詞 , 通常接一個肯定動詞 ,
而不是疑問動詞 , 故動詞前面不用加 do / does ,,,,
Who pays the bills ?
Whose / Which horse won ?
What went wrong ?

若 what , who , 等等作為動詞或介詞的受詞時 , 需要疑問動詞 ,
例如 :
Who *did you see ?
Whose umbrella *did you borrow ?
Which hand *do you use ?
What *did they eat ?

What is happening ? ( 沒有見過這問法 ,,,,,, )
I' d stay if they promoted me , but I can' t see that *happening .

2007-02-17 00:14:46 補充:
What happened ( past tense )What has happened ( present perfect tense )

2007-02-17 01:55:38 補充:
補充 :What is happening ?是正確的 ,
2007-02-17 7:45 am
What happen---wrong tense,一係就"WHAT IS HAPPENING",or"WHAT HAPPENED".
What has happened---correct---如果用"is"嘅話,就要寫成"WHAT IS HAPPENING". 個"HAS"字係用於一D由過去至現在都發生緊嘅野
What is happening---correct

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