✔ 最佳答案
養隻貓仔will not cost you much. I have 2 cats at home, cost only $500/month.
If you are just keeping 1 cat, it will be even easier
1) 貓餅 (dry cat food). really depends on which brand the cat has been eating before. If the cat used to have mass brand like Friskies and Whiskas (~$20一包) , then it will probably get used to the tasty dry food (with a lot of 味精, not good for cat's kidney, may increase the risk of 腎哀竭). If the cat does not have a strong preference in 貓餅, recommend to buy Hills/Royal Cannie, 價錢係貴d (2kg bag, around $80), but good for 貓仔健康. My cats eat Royal Cannie Fit 32 and another Japanese brand from Sogo.
2) 貓沙盤 and 貓沙 and 貓沙鏟
貓沙想經濟d用普通貓沙就ok lar. 其他expensive alternative有水晶貓沙, 普通貓沙, 紙造貓沙, 小麥貓沙等可供選擇 (but much more expensive ah). 推薦Q-pet 5kg 貓沙(Q-pet : chain store in Diamond Hill, Wanchai, Sai Kung, Mongkok). 一包5kg ==> $20. 可用半個月.
貓沙盤就最好買有屋頂有fing fing門個d, 有屋頂可reduce the bad smell. 一般寵物shop都有, 價錢$120 - $300.
貓沙鏟: 一般寵物shop/日本城都有, 價錢$10 - 20
3) 貓"dull"
放貓餅/水用, 放貓餅要一個, 放水要另一個, 要買重身一d (因為貓貓跑來跑去會踢到反轉), 一般寵物shop/日本城都有, 價錢$10 - $100
4) 貓玩具
玩具要買有貓草成份的"long long"波 ($10 - 20) <貓草成份可令貓貓excited>, 羽毛棒 (要買quality好d, $50 - $80一條, 好似 TVB 卡通Was Michael中女主人成日"潦"貓玩個d), 最好買埋磨爪柱 ($30 - $200, depends on size and scale) train up 貓貓唔好周圍爪家私. 不過不要期望太高, 有d貓貓係唔玩磨爪柱的. so, recommend to buy a cheap one first
5) 梳,指甲鉗
得閒同貓貓梳下毛, 感情都好d. 貓毛梳我會買stainless steel. $30 - $50
指甲鉗.要買貓貓專用的, ~$50
濕糧是supplement. 我唔主張喂濕糧當主食o既習慣.當貓貓吃完濕糧之後,你唔幫佢清潔牙齒,日積月累會令到貓貓牙肉發炎, 有bad breath. 食貓餅可以在chewing motion 時運動牙肉, 有tar tar control的作用. 濕糧 $5 (mass brand) to $20 (Japanese) / 一罐. 唔一定一餐要食曬一罐, 分開幾餐食都ok, 我通常一餐喂一大湯匙. 食唔曬用保鮮袋包好放入fridge.
if your 貓貓 has not yet got body check, better take it to vet and have a body check + vaccination. Around $1200 - 2000. depends on vet. 係就係貴左dd, but要貓貓健康成長, 錫錫貓貓.