有點問題關於特務戇J(Johnny English)

2007-02-16 9:17 pm
請問在電影特務戇J(Johnny English)完結時的那一首歌是誰唱的, 歌曲叫甚麼名?
那首歌在全套戲播過兩次, 是戇豆得知自己升官上任, 及電影完結時.

回答 (2)

2007-02-19 7:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
歌手:Robbie Williams 

歌名:A Man For All Seasons


One eye on the shadows protecting his fellows
From sun up to the moon on his back
Sent the villains to Hades
A hit with the ladies
A stallion in the sack
You can't get your life back
When right follows left Jack
The more you see the less you know
When others would leak it
His service is secret
Plays God when it's your time to go

*Queen and country safe and sound
 With villians six feet underground
 And no one knows cause no one's found
 Any trace of a man for all seasons
 Loves them and leaves them alone, so alone
 And you and I wouldn't have a clue
 Who's doing what, why, when and who
 Up the creek with no canoe
 Watch out for the man for all seasons
 Loves them and leaves them alone, so alone
 But safe at home*

From the House of Lords
Saving Norfolk Broads
Commoners and landed gentry
His word his bond
Whether brunette or blonde
Baby it's so elementary
For the man never messed up your life
With one stare
See the film you'll know how it goes
But this ain't no fiction
Just check the diction quid pro quo a pro's pro
Don't be jealous
When they made him they broke the mould
So charismatic
Willing, automatic
Never prematurely shooting his load


2007-02-18 23:44:59 補充:
我有哩首歌如果你要可以add我[email protected]
參考: 自己
2007-02-19 7:29 am
A Man For All Seasons

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