人道毀滅的問題!! Please talk in english!

2007-02-16 7:09 pm
人道毀滅的問題!! Please talk in english!

thx very much ~!

回答 (2)

2007-02-16 8:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Is it ethical of ethical-killing? I guess that it met the need of human as there is no economic resource to feed the animal. But I guess that economics (the allocation of resources) is not existed in animal. For the golden rule of ethics: don't put yourself to others if you don't want others to put to you; the economics reason is not ethical to animal.

2. Is there any value of ethical-killing? Life has its value as long as it is existing. In natural, one life of animal feed the life of another animal, there is a high value. But, one life of animal feed the economics of human, there is a low value.

3. Is it logical of ethical-killing? Logical talking about reasoning. If for the resource problem, human can release the animal back to the country. Why should kill them? Animal belongs to natural.

4. Is there any truth of ethical-killing? The truth of ethical-killing is to meet the need of human. And, the "need" is foundationalism. No further explanation.
2007-02-26 5:29 pm
人道毀滅的問題 = question about ethical-killing

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