反式脂肪是什麼? 對人有何害處?

2007-02-16 5:39 pm


能提供英文解釋更佳. 謝!

回答 (4)

2007-02-16 5:49 pm
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反式脂肪,又稱為反式脂肪酸或逆態脂肪酸。英語為Trans Fatty Acid。他的名字來源於他的化學結構,其分子包含位於碳原子相對兩邊的反向共價鍵結構,和「順式脂肪」比較起來此反向分子結構較不易扭結。


研究顯示反式脂肪含量高的飲食和諸如心臟動脈疾病以及動脈硬化等疾病有關聯性。研究顯示如果每天攝入反式脂肪5克,心臟病的發病幾率會增加25%。而在美國平均每人每年的攝入量是2.1公斤。一些國家已經立法限制食物裡反式脂肪的含量與使用。 紐約市為了消費者健康把關,率先全美,通過一項禁止餐飲業者使用含有反式脂肪的製品,引起食品業者反彈,不過為了消費者健康,包括麥當勞在內的大型速食店,己經開始減少反式脂肪的使用。

In chemistry, especially biochemistry, a fatty acid is a carboxylic acid often with a long unbranched aliphatic tail (chain), which is either saturated or unsaturated. Carboxylic acids as short as butyric acid (4 carbon atoms) are considered to be fatty acids, while fatty acids derived from natural fats and oils may be assumed to have at least 8 carbon atoms, e.g. caprylic acid (octanoic acid). Most of the natural fatty acids have an even number of carbon atoms, because their biosynthesis involves acetyl-CoA, a coenzyme carrying a two-carbon-atom group.

Concerns have been raised for several decades that consumption of trans fatty acids might have contributed to the 20th century epidemic of coronary heart disease.2

Metabolic studies have shown that trans fats have adverse effects on blood lipid levels--increasing LDL ("bad") cholesterol while decreasing HDL ("good") cholesterol. This combined effect on the ratio of LDL to HDL cholesterol is double that of saturated fatty acids.3

Trans fats have also been associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease in epidemiologic studies.4

Based on the available metabolic studies, we estimated in a 1994 report that approximately 30,000 premature coronary heart disease deaths annually could be attributable to consumption of trans fatty acids.4
2007-02-16 10:09 pm
【明報專訊】除了肉類和奶類食品天然含微量「反式脂肪」外,反式脂肪主要來自含「部分氫化植物油」的加工食品,除了烘烤、煎炸食品,糖果糕餅及零食都有機會含有。植物油沒有反式脂肪,但經過氫化會產生反式脂肪,與飽和脂肪一樣,會增加血液內的低密度脂蛋白膽固醇(low-density lipoprotein,簡稱LDL)或稱「壞膽固醇」含量,並減少「好膽固醇」含量,增加患冠心病的風險。




2007-02-16 5:57 pm
及在含有「部分氫化植物油」(partially hydrogenated vegetable oil)

參考: newspaper
2007-02-16 5:50 pm
反式脂肪,又稱為反式脂肪酸或逆態脂肪酸。英語為Trans Fatty Acid。他的名字來源於他的化學結構,其分子包含位於碳原子相對兩邊的反向共價鍵結構,和「順式脂肪」比較起來此反向分子結構較不易扭結。


食物包裝上一般食物標籤 列出成份如稱為「氫化植物油」、「部分氫化植物油」、「氫化脂肪」 、「氫化菜油」、「固體菜油」、「酥油」、「人造酥油」、「雪白奶油」、「shortening」、「partially hydrogenated vegetable oil」或「hydrogenated vegetable oil」即含有反式脂肪。


氫化的其中一個目的是破壞一些基本脂肪酸, 可減慢被氧化分解的速度。例如, 一包典型的糖果不用氫化脂肪酸也許有30天保存期,而當同樣產品用了氫化脂肪酸保存期可為時18 個月。

但是研究顯示反式脂肪含量高的飲食和諸如心臟動脈疾病以及動脈硬化等疾病有關聯性。研究顯示如果每天攝入反式脂肪5克,心臟病的發病幾率會增加25%。而在美國平均每人每年的攝入量是2.1公斤。一些國家已經立法限制食物裡反式脂肪的含量與使用。 紐約市為了消費者健康把關,率先全美,通過一項禁止餐飲業者使用含有反式脂肪的製品,引起食品業者反彈,不過為了消費者健康,包括麥當勞在內的大型速食店,己經開始減少反式脂肪的使用。





2007-02-16 09:56:35 補充:
Trans fatty acid are a type of unsaturated fat.Most trans fats consumed today are industrially created as a side effect of partial hydrogenation of plant oils which changes a fat's molecular structure, but this process also results in a portion of the changed fat becoming trans fat.

2007-02-16 09:58:00 補充:
Unlike other fats, trans fats are neither required nor beneficial for health. Eating trans fat increases the risk of coronary heart disease. For these reasons, health authorities worldwide recommend that consumption of trans fat be reduced to trace amounts.

2007-02-16 09:59:05 補充:
Trans fats are tightly regulated in a few countries, must be disclosed on product labels in many others, and are the central issue in several ongoing lawsuits. Many companies are voluntarily removing trans fats from their products, or establishing trans-free product lines.

2007-02-16 10:03:41 補充:
Chemically, trans fats, which are less fluid and have a higher melting point, are made of the same building blocks as non-trans fats, but have a different shape(the double bonds between carbon atoms are in the trans rather than the cis configuration), resulting in a straighter shape.
參考: wikipedia

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