2007-02-16 6:46 am
我想問下xanga咪有個Blogring ge...
咁入面就可以join 一D Blog ..
咁我想離開個Blog 咁我應該點做牙??

唔知明唔明我想講咩呢?? = ]

回答 (2)

2007-02-16 6:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
You are free to leave any Blogring at any time.

Just sign into Xanga, and visit the blogring you'd like to leave.

See on the upper left, where it says:

?Invite Members
?Approve Members
?Manage Members
?Your Membership

Just click on "Your Membership", and then on "Leave Blogring". You'll be asked to signin, and then to confirm that you really want to leave your blogring. This confirmation helps maintain your site security.

Once you've confirmed that you want to leave, your blogring membership will be deleted. If you are the last member to leave a blogring, the ring will be deleted from the Xanga Blogrings Directory.
2007-02-16 10:16 am

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