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French chemist ties Saudi Arabia tight and arranges and since looks for out the regularity and sums up into a general rule in a lot of experimental datas of relevant balance states, if one counterbalance department receive one but factor influencing balance, balanced to will is it move in order to reduce this factor cause and answer to happen. This calls and ties the principle of arranging in Saudi Arabia tight according to tying the principle of arranging in Saudi Arabia tight . Can determine according to the following principles that the balance move the direction
*Increase a certain thickness of material balanced to can make material this move one party that reduce. The thickness of the party of reactant or the product improves, react and will go on to another party of the low thickness. When the thickness of one party is reduced, balancing will be moved in order to maintain the balance toward this.
*Strengthen the pressure (or makes the gaseous phase reflect the volume of the department and reduce), balance and move to the party making this pressure reduce (namely move to the party that is not counted and lacked ) Reduce the pressure (or make the gaseous phase reflect the department body to change greatly) Balance to can make increase with pressure party move (namely to ear party the more thanth move (namely to ear party the more thanth move (namely the more thanth of ears
*Balanced to can make party that temperature reduce move to rise temperature (move to endothermic party), reduce temperature balanced to can one party move (namely to send out heat the direction is moved ).