Is there anyone who has been to Atlanta before?

2007-02-16 5:40 am

回答 (2)

2007-02-16 9:45 pm
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Atlanta 有去過;係Buckhead region做半年工.

冬天天氣,以美國來說不很冷。很少有雪。最低係30度華氏左右。 (香港人有可能認為已經很冷)

食方面貴不貴?看你吃什麼和在哪裏吃。如果在Buckhead region, 基本上並不便宜。與其他大城市差不多。
2007-02-16 8:47 am
no international flight go to atlanta directly u have to make a stop in Dulles first then
transfer to a domestic airline. If are traveling from Hong Kong most likely u will go to
LA or San Francisco clear immigration and clear there than forward. It is cold in January
Food cost is quite okay as they get a lot of food from the mid west. However, in the winter fresh vegetables and fruits are quite expensive all over.

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