Lemon juice is acidic or alkali?

2007-02-16 5:37 am
Someone said that lemon juice is alkali, but citric arid is acidic. How come?

回答 (5)

2007-02-16 7:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
Lemon juice contains citric acid which will make the juice acidic in nature. You can simply test it with any pH paper. However, the DJ is right that drinking lemon juice can maintain the blood in more alkali status. It is because of the hydrolysis of the citrate salts. When you drink the lemon juice, the citric acid will from the citrate salt after neutralization in our body. The pH of the citrate is in fact a bit alkali.

I hope you can understand what I meant.
2007-02-16 9:48 am
Lemon juice tastes sour.
Chemistry lesson No.1::Acid is sour.
So,lemon juice has to be acidic.
Normally,the body fluid,including blood,is slightly alkaline at Ph7.4(range 7.35-7.45).
Our body physiologically maintains this acid-base balance by:
1. controlling the carbon dioxide excretion during respiration
2. controlling the acid excretion in urine in kidney function(Urine Ph=about 5)
3. keeping a balanced acid -base buffer by the blood albumin.
It would not matter very much whether you drink or eat tolerable acidic food,alkaline food or neutral food,our body can keep the body fluid pH in balance constantly.

2007-02-16 01:55:31 補充:
The body is made up of 70% water of fluid.A 60 kg body has 42 liters of fluid.How significant a mug of 250 cc(=1/4 litre) lemon juice can alter the body fluid pH?
2007-02-16 6:12 am
It's pH level is at around 3.

You can test it by universal indicator paper, it should show a pink as result (the original colour of the universal indicator paper is yellow), which shows that it is a weak acid~~
believe lemon juice is acidic for long. However, a DJ said that drinking lemon juice can maintain the pH valve of blood in a more alkali status which is good for health. Is it possible that even though lemon juice is acidic in nature, but can make blood more alkali?
2007-02-16 5:43 am
lemon juice is definately acidic!!!

It's pH level is at around 3.

You can test it by universal indicator paper, it should show a pink as result (the original colour of the universal indicator paper is yellow), which shows that it is a weak acid~~

Hope I can help u la~~!! ^^
參考: ME~~
2007-02-16 5:42 am
Lemon juice is absolutely acidic

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