The longest train

2007-02-16 4:42 am
Do you like travelling by train?The people in Belgium do.In 1991,the National Belgian Railway Company built the longest train in the world.It weighs 2,786 tonnes and is 1,733m long ---that's nearly 2km long!Ifthis train came to Hong Kong,the front would arrive at Sha Tin KCR station while the back was still in Tai Wai!

回答 (2)

2007-02-16 5:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
你喜歡火車遊嗎? 比利時的人便喜歡.
該火車重2,786噸,長1,733米 --- 接近兩千米長.

2007-02-15 21:08:13 補充:
"比利時的人" 改為 "在比利時的人" 較合適.
2007-02-16 4:50 am
Try It does most of the hard work. You just need to make some minor modifications. :)

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