[English] Conditional sentences 問題

2007-02-16 3:39 am
書話possible situations的conditional sentense, 是用來taking about a situation that may possibly happen in the furture. Possibly happen in the furture 是否指整個conditional sentense??定係個main clause??

我唔知幾時用possible situation 定係imaginary 的conditional sentences ar??有D imaginary 的東西卻有可能做的, 好易寫左possible situation 的conditional sentence....

回答 (2)

2007-02-16 7:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你提到的possibile situation(即是現實有可能發生的。),就算是你想象,但只要有可能發生是,就用first type condition sentence。"if clause" 提出了Possible happen in the future 的事件,而 "main clause " 則是假設事件發生後,其結果如何。

If I study hard, I will pass the exams.

但如果你假設或想像的事是現在的,但一定不會發生,就用second type conditional sentence.
If I were you, I would study hard. 因為「我」永遠都不會是你,所以一定不會發生。


Type 0: main clause 一定發生
if Clause: Present Tense
Main Clause: Present Tense
Example: Ice melts if you heat it.

Type 1: if clause 可能發生
if Clause: Present Tense
Main Clause: Future Tense
If I find her address, I will send her an invitation.

Type 2: if clause 一定不會發生或很非常不實際,屬於現在式
if Clause: Past Tense
Main Clause: Future Past Tense
If the Stock Exchange rose by another 1000 points by the end of the year I would go on a round-the-world-tour next year

Type 3: if clause 在過法沒有發生
if Clause: Past Perfect Tense
Main Clause: Future Past Perfect Tense
If you had called me I would have come. (但你之前沒有叫我,所以用type 3)

2007-05-02 4:54 pm
quite gd!

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