what happen in 1648??

2007-02-16 1:24 am
Can any one please tell me what happen in 1648??
Anything important like anyone die or was born in that year??

回答 (2)

2007-02-16 8:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
1648年之所以重要,是因為這一年是長達三十年的宗教戰爭結束,歐洲列強簽署歐洲史上第一條國際性的和約:『威斯特發里亞和約』(Peace of Westphalia),這和約內容大約如下:
1. 各國領土的調整
i) 法國取得麥茲、凡爾登及都耳三個主教領外,還取得亞爾薩斯的統治權,領土向東擴張至萊茵河畔。
ii) 瑞典取得波羅的海南岸的西波美拉尼亞、及不萊梅主教領等地,控制德國流入北海及波羅的海主要河流的河口。
iii) 勃蘭登堡(普魯士前身)領土同樣得擴張
iv) 萊茵蘭選帝侯邦一分為二。
2. 邦國地位的調整
i) 神聖羅馬帝國與其他國家地位平等,則神聖羅馬帝國中世紀時超然地位消失。
ii) 神聖羅馬帝國仍名義上管治日耳曼地區向個邦國,但各個邦國都有獨立的主權及外交權。
iii) 荷蘭及瑞士的獨立地位得到國際承認,並脫離神聖羅馬帝國之外。
參考: 王德昭:西洋通史
2007-02-16 1:29 am
January 17 - England's Long Parliament passes the Vote of No Address, breaking off negotiations with King Charles I and thereby setting the scene for the second phase of the English Civil War.
Chmielnicki Uprising in Republic of Both Nations (Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth).
January 30 - The Dutch and the Spanish sign the Treaty of Munster, ending the Eighty Years' War. The Spanish Empire recognizes the Dutch Republic of United Netherlands as a sovereign state, (governed by the House of Orange-Nassau and the Estates General) which was before a province of the Spanish Empire.
October 24 - Treaty of Westphalia ends the Thirty Years' War.
November 11 - France and Netherlands agree to divide the island of Sint Maarten/Saint Martin.
Change of emperor of the Ottoman Empire from Ibrahim I (1640-1648) to Mehmed IV (1648-1687)
Admiral Robert Blake defeats Prince Rupert and the remnants of the Royalist navy in the English Civil War.
In India, building of the Red Fort is completed.
Discovery of strait (Bering Strait) between Asia and North America by Semyon Dezhnev
The west bank of Prague (including the Prague Castle) occupied and looted by Swedish armies.
Sabbatai Zevi declares himself the Messiah at Smyrna.
A major earthquake strikes Van, a town in the Ottoman Armenia.

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