al business studies 企業概論 用中文定英文讀好?

2007-02-16 1:06 am
al business studies 企業概論 用中文定英文讀好?

我係英文學校ge, 英文水平一般, 自修ge


比多少少用中文定英文讀ge 原因


回答 (3)

2007-02-21 7:25 am
參考: my experience
2007-02-16 9:43 am
1. 因為英文terms and 用英文來解釋 係易明D. 中文太含糊同抽象.
2. 用中文考的合格率唔係高D, 只係考英文的人多D.
3. 英文讀ge 原因: 易明D, 能涵接大學課程, 能更易應用於現實生活之中.
參考: myself
2007-02-16 1:23 am
AL Business studies is an introduction subject to all business areas, like marketing, managements etc. If you wish to study BBA or related business degrees, it is subject to take English because the terms and theory will be easier to understand in university.

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