想修讀graphic design課程,但有好多野想問!

2007-02-15 11:05 pm
2.畫畫唔叻可做design 嗎?因為我似乎只擅長拼貼


回答 (2)

2007-02-15 11:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 你在哪裡有見過“商業設計”這字眼?一般都是說“平面設計”…。基本上都一樣,平面設計都要應客所需,係同商業有關。或者從字面可以咁理解,“商業設計”可以包好多o既,諸如公司形象、宣傳、產品包裝…之類全方位性。

2. 畫畫唔叻唔重要。雖然叻埋會更好,但我想更重要的是有sense,即起碼都要有visual art / element的運用觸覺,咁會好d。

3. 無話叫唔想學o既。唔想學的是你,唔需要學又是其次了。基本上識得越多咪越好。搵工時老細問到,或做野o個時個客要求到,你無得話o個樣野你因為唔想學,所以唔識或做唔到。

4. 讀全日制的又真係無乜時間工作嫁。你想要工作就找part time啦﹗但修業期咪又係長左。其實都唔係話無工做o既,freelance咁都得。但又要睇你識做乜,你本身乜都唔識去讀個dip,你都真係未有料,真係唔掂,咁都接唔到job做啦﹗

5. 插班…好似無呢家野。你插的話,咁咪無左之前d野o羅﹗

2007-02-17 10:34 pm
1. commerical design may be more diversify than graphic design. As graphic design is focusing on graphics, layout and composition, while commerical design will be more related to brand/marketing. Of course it is all depends on the course info. so you'd better check it out with the course supervisor.
2. Design is more about problem solving. no matter you can draw or not, you can design
good things with the appropriate tools so that you can communicate ideas with audience. First question is to ask yourself whether you really like design or not.
I had studied design in university for 5 years, and it may be painful if you don't like design.
3.you can focus the graphic design on motion graphics, printed matters or interface graphics...etc ..well.. you can try to take a look to relevant material to see which one suits u better.
4. i had fulltime study for 5 years and i still got time to do freelance work.
5.yup, you can try, but i think it is better on sep or oct. Or else,..i don't think you can catch things up easily.

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