
2007-02-15 5:49 pm
結構性照聲波係 for what purpose?

係米人人都要做, 幾多 weeks 做最好?

幾多$.  thanks.

回答 (3)

2007-02-15 6:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Dr will spend around 20-30min to check carefully every organ of the bb if it's normal or
this test can be taken at around 20 wk (before 24wk)
and cost is around $1000-$1500 in private dr.
It is not a must, and some abnormal can also be found in routine check-up u/s. but still, it's more detailed.
but if you have your routine check-up in public system.. and only 1-2 u/s during the whole 40wks, then this scan can give you more information that missed during routine checkup.
2007-02-16 8:18 am
2007-02-15 6:01 pm
我係係政府醫院照的.... 佢只係收我六十蚊"成本費".... 係懐孕五個月做... 如果你去照私家.. 就可以照得密少少... 睇你有無咁o既需要囉....

結構性超聲波可以睇到bb的性別.. 同埋量度bb的身長.. 頭圍.. 同埋重要器官發展得正唔正常... 如果想知道bb的性別... 其實懷孕4個月後已經可以睇到.. 最緊要係bb生性.. 照果時唔好遮住o者...

希望幫到你... ^^

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