
2007-02-15 9:17 am
本人想買部相機玩snap shot(本人是影相門外漢)
所以相買holga...因為平d(請大家睇下 下面個拍賣網)
問題(1)請問lomo 同holga 有乜分別??(功能上)
問題(2)請問lei d相機同普通相機用既菲林有冇唔同?
接上題(2.1)請問如有分別菲林大約幾$一筒 & 難唔難買 &普通曬相鋪可唔可以曬?
再接(2.2)規格上既 6x4.5 / 自改6x6點解??
問題(3)光圈係咩? f/8 同 f/11 既分別係咩?
問題(4)無限次重複曝光 同 無限的改裝可能 係點解??
問題(5)佢d附加品需要買嗎? ....有什麼用?....同埋價錢ok嗎?


回答 (2)

2007-02-17 9:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
問題(1)請問lomo 同holga 有乜分別??(功能上)
Loma LCA have setting , Holga just take picture of what you see
Lomo LCA use 135 film, Holga use 120 file unless w/ 135 back
問題(2)請問lei d相機同普通相機用既菲林有冇唔同?
Holga use 120 film, the film is with a backing paper and a plastic roll inside, and not with the metal casing
接上題(2.1)請問如有分別菲林大約幾$一筒 & 難唔難買 &普通曬相鋪可唔可以曬?
MK broadway and Shing shing colour 120 negative around $14 - $15 per roll if you buy 10 roll, B/W 120 negative you can order it online around $10 per roll
再接(2.2)規格上既 6x4.5 / 自改6x6點解??
a shop at Hung Hom sell Holga 120 which it have a adapter which swap between 6x6 and 6 x 4.5, no need to purchase separately
問題(3)光圈係咩? f/8 同 f/11 既分別係咩?
F/8 allow more light to enter into the camera, thus need shorter time to expose the film
f/11 allow less light to enter into the camera, thus need longer time to expose the film
問題(4)無限次重複曝光 同 無限的改裝可能 係點解??
無限次重複曝光 = if you don't wind the film, you can expose the film at multiple times, unlimited no. of times
無限的改裝可能 = the camera is relatively cheap and have potential to add a polaroid backing (Log On around $1000) , change it to 135 back, change it to pin hole camera
問題(5)佢d附加品需要買嗎? ....有什麼用?....同埋價錢ok嗎?
you can buy filter, flash (depending on the model of Holga), 135 back,

Try Hunghom Square G/F 23A , good price for accessory. There are previous post here with details of the shop as well.
2007-02-17 7:46 am
問題(1) lomo只是1個品牌 佢有好多種相機家
e.g. fisheye lca
問題(2) holga 用ge係 120 film 會難搵d 沖晒都會貴d
問題(2.1) 我是在旺角買的 about $17 不是所有曬相鋪都會晒家
問題(2.2)沒有記錯的話 6x6 影出黎係正方形 6x4.5就是3R
問題(4)無限次重複曝光 就是在一格菲林影幾次 之後晒岀黎就會重覆影像
問題(5)都無咩ge 可以買左 135 adapter $ about 50-60
參考: 自己

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