
2007-02-15 8:36 am
1. Some pregnant mainland women may risk being smuggled into Hong Kong or overstaying here.

2.Some pregnant mainland women may risk smuggled into Hong Kong or overstaying here.

3.Some pregnant mainland women may risk smuggling into Hong Kong or overstaying here.


回答 (4)

2007-02-15 11:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
smuggle 此處解作 ( 違反規章制度 ) 偷運 , 偷帶 ( 某物 / 某人 )

smuggle soms pregnant mainland women 偷運一些大陸孕婦 ,
( some pregnant mainland women 是 smuggle 的受詞 ) ( 主動語態 )

some pregnant mainland women are smuggled 一些大陸孕婦被偷運 ,
( some pregnant mainland women 是 smuggle 的主詞 ) ( 被動語態 )

第一句中 ,
being smuggled 是 gerund ( 動名詞 ) , 且是 " 被動語態 "
其主詞就是 " some pregnant mainland women "
[ being smuggled into Hong Kong ] 被視為 noun phrase ,
具有名詞性質 , 作 risk 的受詞 ,

第二句中 ,
smuggled 是過去式 / 過去分詞 ,
[ smuggled into Hong Kong ] 本身沒有名詞性質 ,
不能成為 risk 的受詞 ,
文法錯誤 !

第三句中 ,
smuggling into Hong kong 是 gerund , 具有名詞性質 ,
但它用了 active ( 主動語態 ) , 且 smuggle 缺乏受詞 ,
smuggle + ( 某物 / 某人 ) , -------------------- > 主動
( 某物 / 某人 ) + be smuggled , ---------------- > 被動
故原句不能用 ( 主動語態 ) smuggling into Hong Kong 作 risk 的受詞 ,
語態錯誤 !

2007-02-15 03:46:59 補充:
being smuggling 是 smuggling 的被動語態 ,故需要有 being

2007-02-15 03:54:02 補充:
更正上一個補充 :是 : being smuggled 是 smuggling 的 " 被動語態 " 才對 ,
2007-02-15 9:46 am
3)smuggling is a noun,not +ing form of verb
we can say the risk of smuggling is high,because many patrols is waiting for you.
So what is difference between sentence 1 and 2.
"being" sounds here like something has happened irregularly or unusually and it will happened continously in future.we don't want to see it and also want to stop it.
2007-02-15 9:01 am
2唔得係因為喺risk之後係要加不定詞(infinitive)或者現在進行式(present continuous),smuggled係過去式(past),所以唔得
3唔得係因為同1既意思唔同,being smuggled既意思係嗰d孕婦被偷運到香港,係被動詞(passive),而smuggling既意思係嗰d孕婦偷運過嚟香港,係主動詞(active),所以唔可以並用。
參考: 我自己
2007-02-15 8:42 am
2 n 3 可共用.......沒不妥的

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