If I mix protein shake with a cola, will the protein shake have the same effect?

2007-02-14 7:20 pm
Tired of mixing it with water or milk.

this also includes creatine

回答 (6)

2007-02-14 7:32 pm
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then use juice.

what is the point of taking something healthy like protein powder and mixing with something that completely lacks any nutritional value like soda?

do you know that phosphoric acid causes the leeching of calcium from the skeletal system? and that a diet high in HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) leads to insulin resistance.
參考: BS Exercise Science IFPA Certified Master Trainer 25+ years of resistance training experience 17 years of martial arts training
2007-02-14 7:24 pm
Yes but, it sounds gross,plus you will get all the crap that the cola contains.
2007-02-14 7:24 pm
Probably, but that sounds really disgusting.
2007-02-14 7:23 pm
Shouldn't be a problem.
2007-02-14 7:28 pm
it still have the same effect but the taste will be disgusting.
Also you will consume the unhealthy ingredients in the cola.
參考: personal experience
2016-11-03 10:57 pm
I dont particularly get the starting up of the question, what dose your gma passing out ought to do with making use of a blender? yet neways,definite it is going to absord an identical. you may only placed it in a cup with a lid or possibly a bowl with a lid and shake it, this can artwork sturdy. Plus I wouldnt be in a position to drink it if it replaced into chunky

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