P-2.5 厘

2007-02-15 7:39 am
去問銀行借錢, 常有什麼 P-2.5 厘的優勢,
1. 請問 P是什麼意思?

2. 但有時見到不是P-2.5厘, 而是 P-2.5%,
請問 '厘' 同 '%' 有什麼分別?

3. P- 2.5厘 又是什麼意思?
如果 P-3又會是怎樣...????

請幫忙回答, 謝謝!

回答 (3)

2007-02-15 7:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. P stands for Prime, i.e. short for Prime rate. (最优惠利率: 銀行普遍用作貸款利率的計算基礎)

2. 厘 = 百分之一 = percentage % (i.e 1 厘米=1米的百分之一)

3. P changes with the banks cost of capital. i.e.the more expensive for the bank to acquire money, P becomes higher. The prime rate of HSBC, Hang Seng Bank and Bank of China (Hong Kong), is currently 7.75 per cent. The rate at Standard Chartered Bank, Wing Lung Bank and Citic Ka Wah Bank is 8 per cent.

If P-2.5%, then the rate to do a housing loan from HSBC would be 7.75-2.5=5.25%. Similary, if you borrow from Standard Chartered, it will cost you 5.5%
2007-02-15 9:22 am
1. P=Prime Rate ( 最 優 惠 利 率 )
2. '厘' 同 '%' is the same, '厘' is cantonese, and % is for document use.
3. P- more ........then the mortgage rate will be better
for example P-3 (if P rate is 8%, then P-3=5% is the mortgage rate.)
so P-2, your mortgage rate will be 6%
2007-02-15 8:03 am
1. P=prime rate, the interest rate agreed by most of the banks in HK.
2. 厘 = '%'

3. if P = 9% (like today) then P-2.5% = 9-2.5% = 6.25%, so P-3=9%-3%=6%
Therefore, the higher the substrated no, the lower will be the interest rate you have to pay for example on your mortgage.

Good luck!

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