cabin crew

2007-02-15 7:20 am
我想問下呢如果我好忌水, 連水都唔敢掂下的話, 仲做唔做到呢?? 有冇邊間airline training唔駛掂水?

回答 (2)

2007-02-15 7:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
As far as I know, job requirement doesn't requite applicant know how to swim. Below is Cathay Pacific's requirement:

You must have the Right of Abode in Hong Kong;
You must be educated to HKCEE standard or equivalent with a pass in English (Syllabus B);
Proficiency in reading and speaking Mandarin, English and Cantonese is essential;
You must also be able to pass a medical assessment and meet a minimum arm-reach of 208cm.

I think height is more important and I know the height requirement vary by airline.
2007-02-15 7:46 am
係唔駛識swimming, 但training時要試着救生衣, 好似要落水wor.....好幾間都要ar...
其他有d仲一定要swim到25米tim, 如:維珍, finnair
correct me if I am wrong

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