
2007-02-15 6:52 am
看新聞(足球),好些荷蘭人姓都要加上"van",如Van Nistelrooy, Macro van Basten,是否民族特性?

回答 (1)

2007-02-15 7:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
荷蘭用既語言既係 ”dutch” 如果你用 ”dutch 譯 english” 既字典去查, van 係解 surname 即係 姓氏.
不過我唔係好心息, 所以繼續搵. 向維基度搵到, 原來 van 可以解 of. 中文姓名係唔會咁用既, 不過勉勉強強都可以咁解: 來自
例此, 陳小明 你可以話佢係 ”小明 來自 陳家”

下面重提到, 德文都有類似物體, 不過係用 von, 而且一定要貴族先用得.

van is a preposition in the Dutch language, meaning 'of' or 'from'. It is also a common prefix in Dutch surnames - specifically, a "tussenvoegsel" — as in Vincent van Gogh or George Vancouver. It can appear by itself or in combination with another prefix, such as van de, van der and van den. The German 'Von' is a cognate of Dutch 'van' but unlike the German 'von', the Dutch 'van' is not an indication of nobility.

In Dutch, names starting with 'van' are filed under the initial letter of the following name proper, so van der Waals is filed under 'W', thus; Waals, van der, Johannes.

Capitalisation of the initial 'v' varies. In Dutch names it is written in lower case, except if the first name or initials are omitted, in which case it is capitalised, as in 'de schilder Van Gogh' ('the painter Van Gogh'). In Belgium, however, the names are always capitalised. In some anglicised versions of Dutch names (e.g. Dick Van Dyke, Martin Van Buren) or in the case where the word is not of Dutch origin, as in Vietnamese names (e.g. Duong Van Minh, Nguyen Van Thieu) it is always capitalised. In terms like van der Waals radius (Dutch: vanderwaalsstraal) the 'v' is usually not capitalised.

The prefixes are in some names concatenated to each other or to the name proper, as in Vandervelde.

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