
2007-02-15 6:45 am

回答 (5)

2007-02-15 7:01 am
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Evaporation of water

The molecules in the water are free to move about.They move at different speeds and collide with each other.Some of them gain kinetic energy while others lose kinetic energy.Molecules at the surface can escape from the liquid if they gain enough kinetic energy from collisions.The escaped molecules become molecules of vapour.

The water is then become water vapour.

Boiling of water

Water can be boiled away as water vapour as the similar principle above. The only difference is that higher temperature fasten the process to all of the water molecules. Boiling makes all molecules gain large amount of kinetic energy.
參考: My previous Physics knowledge
2007-02-16 6:36 am
2007-02-15 7:02 am
When water gains enough potential energy, for example, in low pressure or high temperature, the vibration force of particles can overcome the attractive force between particles. The distance between particles increases and the density decreases. Water then becomes gas.
參考: textbk
2007-02-15 7:01 am
Evapouration occurs when water absorbs sufficient energy that the vibration between water molecules is vigourous enough to break the weak bonding then they will release and become vapour.
2007-02-15 6:50 am



1. 減緩氣溫的變化 -- 水的熱容量很大,可儲存大量的熱。也因此水比其他物質冷卻得慢,它的溫度直接影響了地球的氣溫。

2. 維持體溫 -- 水的汽化熱很高,一克水需要540卡才能蒸 發-約為一克汽油蒸發所須能量的七倍。同時,一克冰凝結成水會釋放540卡。這個特性是太陽熱量可傳佈全球的重要因素,也是人可維持體溫的原因。

3. 幫助傳送熱能 – 水在液體中是傳熱比較快的物質,並具有 高度流動性,可將所儲熱量由一地帶至另一地,所以海洋便可以把太陽的熱量傳到地球每一個角落。

4. 分解物質 -- 水能分解污穢,所以成為我們常用的的清潔劑。然而水因能溶解很多物質,故也易受污染。

5. 保護水生生物 -- 水是唯一結冰時擴張膨脹的物質,在極地天氣寒冷,水從頂部向下結凍。冰浮在水面上,令水底能保持一定溫度。若無這種性質,水生生物將不存在。

1. 消耗性 - 如飲用水,飲用後變成人體的一部分,或水成 為原料,成為工業產品的一部分。


2. 非消耗性 - 如洗澡,工業上冷卻用或洗滌用等。

3. 其他用途 - 如康樂,航運方面。

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