幫我作一篇文==(20點呀!!)係講about中國成立10周年.....In220words,express your

2007-02-15 6:21 am
The 10th Anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region will be a memorable moment for the country and Hong Kong."One country,Two Systems"was only a concept prior to 1997.In the past nine years,have we successfully turned it into a reality?Within the framework of the Basic Law,are the freedom and life style of the Hong Kong people,and the legal,social and economic systems of the territory preserved?

回答 (2)

2007-02-17 7:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案

First thing first, 係香港回歸10 週年, 唔係中國成立10周年

You may find the followings useful in composing your article.


In the past nine years, we have successfully turned the concept of “One Country, Two Systems” into a reality. Within the framework of the Basic Law, the freedom and life style of the Hong Kong people, and the legal, social and economic systems of the territory are preserved.

With the perseverance and vibrancy of the Hong Kong people, the territory has risen to the challenges on different fronts.

The past decade has seen significant developments in our economy, and we have achieved breakthroughs on many fronts on the basis of close cooperation and integration with the Mainland economy. We have continued to thrive and prosper, maintaining our success as an international financial centre, as well as a leading business and trading hub in Asia.



The 10th Anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is a memorable moment for the country and Hong Kong. In 2007, Hong Kong is celebrating this historic occasion. We are taking the opportunity to review the past and look into the future.

“One Country, Two Systems” was only a concept prior to 1997. In the past ten years, we have successfully turned it into a reality. Within the framework of the Basic Law, the freedom and life style of the Hong Kong people, and the legal, social and economic systems of the territory are preserved. With the perseverance and vibrancy of the Hong Kong people, the territory has risen to the challenges on different fronts. The past decade has seen significant developments in our economy, and we have achieved breakthroughs on many fronts on the basis of close cooperation and integration with the Mainland economy. We have continued to thrive and prosper, maintaining our success as an international financial centre, as well as a leading business and trading hub in Asia.

The HKSAR Government is organising a host of events to celebrate the occasion in the territory, the Mainland and overseas. From the second quarter in 2007, a series of activities, including exhibitions, conferences, commissioning of infrastructure projects, sports events and cultural presentations will be held. We welcome everyone to participate. We encourage community bodies and district organisations to organise celebration activities, so as to provide more opportunities for the public to share the joy of this festive occasion.


2011-05-08 12:01 am
中國定香港啊- -.....中國1949年,香港1997年...

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